~Chapter 10~

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-Alessio's POV-

I think this was the only time in my life that I had ever been this anxious over something. My own dad was on the verge of death not even twenty-four hours ago and I wasn't as anxious then as I am now. There were several cars parked around the warehouse, indicating a rather large crowd inside. I was starting to get scared and debated whether or not I was the right fit for this and if I should just leave and let someone else take my place.

But then I remembered my dad and how much he believed in me and if he believed in me, then I was more than capable.

"You said someone tried to fight my dad for this spot awhile ago?" I stopped walking before Dom and I got too close to the warehouse. I still needed a moment to compose myself before bracing the storm inside.

"Of course. Alessio, as long as you're the one in power, there's always going to be someone who wants to take it from you. It's not just a mafia thing, it's a life thing. I bet I could even tell you who's going to fight you for it before you even walk in there."

It was Rocco. He didn't even have to say it.

A thousand and one ideas started rushing to my head and I fought myself to quickly come to a decision on one.

"Alessio," I quickly spun around to face the intruding voice.

Sophia...and her bodyguards.

"What are you doing here, traitor?" I asked bitterly. She was part of my family yes, but she wasn't apart of the family. I couldn't have her here listening to the ongoing of my new responsibility, what if she and Alex turned on me and they had our family secrets? "You weren't invited."

"Alessio, you're going to need me. I've probably seen more shit than you have over the years. They're going to rebel against you and I can help you stop them. I'm not going to let dad down by allowing you to get murdered on your first official night as the new Boss. I may not be associated with this family anymore but I still care about it's future. Let me help you."


Who wanted their sister to help them?

"You don't think it looks bad that you've brought Alex's minions here? Everyone's going to think I'm a traitor for having them here."

"Why do you care what they think? You're the Boss, aren't you?" She asked with a sly smile and I couldn't help but think of all the shit she's probably had a hand in doing because of it. Evil.

I rolled my eyes, knowing she was right, "Fuck you."

"Let's go." She walked on past Dom and I with her guys behind her.

"She's always been a tough one," Dom commented. "Wasted potential. She would have been a good Lady Boss."

Yeah, I'm sure. Note the sarcasm.

I started walking behind Sophia slowly, Dom following after.

She made me angry and I wasn't sure if that was a good or bad thing. Good because now I was in the mood to kill someone but bad because my judgement was going to be skewed.

Everyone went quiet as we walked inside. Was it out of respect like it should have been? I don't know, but they were quiet nonetheless.

I started to scan the room, looking for Rocco. I thought he would have put himself in the front but I was wrong and instead spotted him all the way in the back...

With Grace.

Now I was really upset. This was a meeting for all of the mobsters, not every Family member. She shouldn't have been here and it didn't look like she was here by choice either. Rocco had his hand around her upper arm roughly. He appeared to make it seem like a natural embrace but I could tell it wasn't. She didn't even like me being around her, I found it hard to believe that she would want some ugly, washed up, fat guy anywhere near her.

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