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Hi, I woke up this morning wanting to make a difference and change the world. As you may already know, the world is in a bit of a mess. I will start by explaining my thoughts and feelings to you. I'm a 21 year old black woman living in the UK. The past 10 days, since the day of George Floyds' murder, I have had a whirlwind of emotions ranging from anger, to fear to complete exhaustion. I felt like I'd been screaming and nobody could hear me. I haven't been to a protest yet as I am wary of the dangers of Covid-19 especially since it looks as though black and ethnic minorities are most likely to die from the virus. I am terribly broke and cannot work (because of the virus) so I don't have money to donate. However, I have signed petitions, spread awareness, had difficult conversations and streamed youtube videos to help donate to causes. If you haven't done any of these yet, I would highly encourage you to do so as there is so much you can do for the Black Lives Matter movement even from the comfort of your home. 

So I had the idea for this book, early last year, it's been through a lot of changes but I'm finally writing it now. I started writing this book at the end of April/early May this year and one thing I struggle with as most writers do is consistency and keeping the motivation to keep writing even though it doesn't reach anyone. I am nervous that this book won't reach anyone and as I'm writing this I want to stop. I will persevere anyway because this is bigger than me. So, back to me wanting to make a difference, I wondered if there was something I could do to raise money to donate to BLM and what I love to do is write. I wonder if there is a way for me to write a story, any story, and find a way to donate money. Maybe there isn't a clear cut simple way. I don't know much about how to raise money online to be honest, I would have done a bake sale if not for the virus. Basically, I'm writing for black lives, this isn't a book particularly about being black or race to be honest. It's really just a fictional story. I am writing for black lives, as a black girl, to scream and shout the best way I can. 

I decided to turn this story and any others I write in the future, even when the hashtag isn't trending, to something I could use to help raise money and awareness. To be honest, I'll need you, fellow readers and writers to keep motivating me to do so. I think for now I will post a link to donate to. I wish there was a way to read to donate or write for black lives, do they do ads? I'm not sure. Hopefully by the time you've read this I've figured it out. 

Side note: If you like BTS, you'll notice the titles of my chapters are from the LY: Tear album. This isn't necessarily a fanfiction but I was inspired by this album and Namjoons' writing process for certain elements of the story. To my fellow ARMY's please enjoy and help BLM in anyway you can. 

To my fellow black people, I see you, I love you and I hear you. To this generation, Gen Z, we are going to change the world. To all the writers and readers of all colours and races who are supporting BLM, thank you.

The One about Thomasजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें