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Your teenager memories return to you in a flash.

How you had promised to dedicate your entire life to the seven boys who changed your life.

You start to recall the first time you got introduced to a whole new world. The fun, the warmth you received from the people you had never met in your life. Then you became a true member of this wonderful family. How much you had exploded in happiness when you were able to buy your first album. eventually the second, and third and within a few years, your room was filled with their merch.

You smiled thinking about the nights you stayed awake waving your "army bomb" and streaming their music videos, just for their happiness. The way you cried in joy when they won the most prestigious awards in music. 

You even recollected the first time you met them at a concert. You had struggled so hard to make your parents buy you the ticket, when they announced their tour, and it was the happiest moment of your life. You smile as you remember how you screamed your lungs out and bawled your eyes out when they waved goodbye.

Forever Bulletproof | bts imagineWhere stories live. Discover now