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•When you were cheering him on when he was playing quidditch.

•"Woo! Go, Harry!"

•You accidentally distracted him which allowed the other team to get the ball


•When he saw you helping Ginny with a test.

•"So you see that? You put it with that and- Here, I'll write this in your book."

•Ron was just watching you help her from the front door but he got caught staring

•"Like what you see, Weasley?"

•It was after Charms class, when she heard Ron mocking her words and speaking about her.

•You saw her run away with tears rolling down her cheeks so you ran after her.

•"Ron's a jerk, don't listen to him."

•"Thanks, Y/n.."

•"You're welcome, Hermione. I'm always here if you need to talk."

•It was 3rd year when you guys were hanging out at Honeydukes and Harry took his lollipop.

•"Don't worry, Nev. I can get you a new one."

•"No, it's fine, Really. You don't need to get me another one."

•"Hmm.. I'm getting you another one."

•"I said-"

•Even if he tried to reject your offer, you still got him a lollipop.

•Luna has always felt an odd feeling in her stomach whenever she was near you but it wasnt until the end of the Hogwarts Battle, she knew that she was in love with you.

•One of the bad guys nearly killed Luna until you pushed her out of the way.

•The two of you sat down behind a rock, trying to catch your breaths.

•You put your hand in hers and smiled, looking over at her.

•"We can do this, Luna."

•It was 3rd year after he hurt his arm and you always checked in on how he was doing at St Mungos.

•"Why do you always check up on me?"

•"Because.. You're also in Slytherin and I um.. Care about your health?"

•After that, he started to notice how much he really cared about you.

•It was 4th year when you were helping him prank one of the Professors.

•"Come on, Come on, hide behind here."

•You guys watched as blue paint poured on top of Snapes head.

•The two of you guys both bursted out into a fit of laughter until Snape spotted you guys.

•Luckily, you guys didnt get expelled but you both got detention.

•It was 5th year when he saw you comforting a kid that got detention from Umbridge for no reason whatsoever.

•"It's okay. It's going to be okay. I could get her back if you want! I could pull a prank on her for doing this. Do you want me to do that?"

•After he went in detention, you saw George and walked up to him.

•"You really know how to deal with kids, huh?"

•"Most of the time. Hey, uh- You dont mind helping me pull a prank on Umbridge, do you?"

•You guys pulled many pranks on Umbridge after that and thankfully didnt get caught.

•It was 1st year when you were cleaning dirt and stuff off of his face.

•During the conversation, he noticed how kind and interesting you were.

•"How did you even mess that spell up? It was quite easy."

•"I'm not that smart, as you could tell."

•"No, you are smart. I just think you  need some practice."

•It was 2nd year when you stood up for Dean when Draco was bullying him.

•"Back off, Draco!"

•"Oh, look, the dimwit has himself a girlfriend?"

•"So what if I was his girlfriend? At least he could get one."

•Draco got bored of bullying Dean and left.

•"Thanks for standing up for me, Y/n."

•"Any time, Dean."

•It was 4th year, you and Remus were studying for an upcoming test.

•He couldnt help but glance over at you and watched you carefully focused.

•Remus thought that it was cute how you bit your lip as you focused.

•It wasnt long until you turned your head and caught him staring at you.

•"Eyes on your paper, Remus. We need to study or else we wont pass."

•"Right, yeah, sorry.

•Sirius was known as a prankster at the school and so was Y/n.

•One day, Sirius saw Y/n pull a prank on one of their classmates and instantly fell in love.

•When Y/n was running away from the classmate, she bumped into Sirius and they began to talk.

•"Nice prank, Y/n."

•"Thanks, Sirius."

•From the distance, you could hear a very mad classmate yelling for you which caused you to sprint away.

•"Catch you later, Sirius!"

𝐇𝐀𝐑𝐑𝐘 𝐏𝐎𝐓𝐓𝐄𝐑 𝐏𝐑𝐄𝐅𝐄𝐑𝐄𝐍𝐂𝐄𝐒Where stories live. Discover now