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@byersboi posted a photo 

@byersboi: went on a date with this idiot today

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@byersboi: went on a date with this idiot today

tagged @mikeywheeler

liked by @ithoughtyouwereamerican,@eggpoet, and 739 others 


@bev-ringwald: that shirt though @mikeywheeler

@madmax: where did you gays go? @byersboi @mikeywheeler

@imlesbian: my sons!!

@mikeywheeler: we went to the mall like we always do @madmax

@trashmouthtozier: hey you guys copied us @byersboi @mikeywheeler

@bbbilldenbrough: everyone goes on dates richie @trashmouthtozier

@jjanehopper: you guys are the cutest 

@eggpoet: don't say that or war will start @jjanehopper

I'm not really one to really speak on things like this but what's going on in the world is absolutely insane. It's crazy to think that the civil rights movement ended in the late 60s but black people are still being discriminated against and killed just because of the color of their skin. We need to stand with our black brothers and sisters always but especially now. Instead of posting about Finn Wolfhard, post about Caleb McLaughlin. Instead of tweeting about Sophia Lillis, tweet about Sofia Bryant. BLACK LIVES MATTER AND IF  YOU DON'T BELIEVE THAT GET OFF OF MY PAGE.  

I am not black, but I see you 

I am not black, but I hear you

I am not black, but I mourn you 


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