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Aki is the girl in the picture

Natsu's POV

I noticed that no one was watching me in the guild so I made a run for it. I ran as fast as I could out of the guild, into the forest when I saw a girl. She had the same hair as me and when she turned around I couldn't believe who it was. "Aki...?" I asked and she came running over to me. "AKI?!!" I shouted and hugged her. "I thought you were dead, how did you survive...?" I asked whilst shaking. She was crying and so was I. We split the hug and she looked at me in the eyes. "One of my friends from my guild took me to a hospital and they got the drugs out." She cried. We both heard a noise from a bush and we turned to it to see Gray.

"Gray come out!" I raised my voice at him and he came walking over slowly with Erza and Wendy. (Every time a dragon slayer's speach is in bold it means they are speaking in a dragon language) Aki waved at them and smiled and then turned back to face me. "How did they save you though....?" I asked again. "Remember I have my friends on my side, you kinda helped me out Natsu." She let out a small laugh and smiled. I raised an eyebrow and she continued. "When you found me and you thought I was dead, that's when Adrian saw I was there because he watched you crying as you ran off." She said sadly.

Gray, Erza and Wendy were all standing there really confused so me and Aki just burst out laughing. "Their faces!" I laughed. "Me when someone... says 'what' to me in the street!!!" Aki choked on her words as she laughed. "Anyways, Natsu, it was nice seeing you, my guild would probably get mad at me so, um, bye." She said as she hugged me and then walked away. "Bye Aki!" I raised my voice as we both waved bye at each other. "Who was that...?" Erza asked. "A friend, she doesn't speak to people she doesn't trust so she trusts you." I said and we went back to the guild.

"Why did you run off...?" Gray asked as we walked through the guild doors. "I don't know, to get some air." I said and we sat down at a table right in the corner. "Totally." Gray said sarcastically and rolled his eyes and so did Erza and Wendy. "I seriously don't know, I just wanted to so please can we talk about something else...?" I asked angrily. Erza and Gray nodded their heads but Wendy wanted to find out why. "Natsu please you can tell me what's wrong, I want to help you, I don't care if I have to speak in dragon for me to do so, but please just let me help you." Wendy said and the whole guild just stared at her weirdly apart from me and Gajeel.

"What language was that...?" Erza and Gray asked in unison. "Dragon." Gajeel said as he walked over to us and tapped me on the shoulder. "Can we talk...?" He asked and I just stayed silent as I wanted to ignore him. "Natsu...?" He asked and I still stayed silent. "Fine then I'll just tell Gray that you love him." Gajeel said and I blushed. "I don't!" I raised my voice. "Then you better talk!" Gajeel raised his voice as well. "No." I said. "What should I say to Gray, hmmm, do you think that he loves you back...?" Gajeel asked. "Gray, Natsu loves you." Gajeel said and Gray blushed like really really really hard.

"See he's not denying it." Gajeel said. "I'm not talking to mhmmmmm." Gray kissed me on the lips so I kissed back as I raised an eyebrow. We stopped to get some air and Gajeel started to laugh. "Who raises an eyebrow whilst kissing...?" He asked. I WAS CONFUSED OK?!! I'M GOING TO TELL LEVY THAT YOU LOVE HER, Levy, Gajeel loves you." I said and Levy turned really red that it put Erza's hair to shame. Levy grabbed Gajeel's wrist and they ran off. "NEXT TIME I WILL DO WORSE!!!" I shouted at him. "WELL I HELPED YOU OUT!!!" He shouted back. "DO I LOOK LIKE I CARE ABOUT WHAT YOU JUST DID?!!" I shouted and Levy covered his mouth so he couldn't speak...

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