Chapter 7

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A/N: this chapter contains self harm so just prepare yourself

Louis' pov
"Yes I am mr Tomlinson, what is wrong, is something wrong with my mom or my sisters" I ask starting to get worried. He shakes his head, "then what is it." I ask, now a bit confused. "Calum Hood has died in a car accident" he tells me. My heart drops, "why did you come and tell me, dose his girlfriend know" I ask wondering why I was told I haven't spoken to him since he broke up with me nine months ago. "You were his number one emergency contact after his mom and dad, so you were informed of the situation before her since she wasn't an emergency contact" he explains to me, "how did it happen" I ask on the verge to break down from the news of his death. "He was drunk driving and crashed into a tree" he tells me, "thank you for informing me" I thank him, he says his condolences and leaves.

As soon as the door closes, I break. I go on the ground into a ball and start bawling my eyes out. "Lou is everything ok" Harry asks from the living room. I don't answer.

I get up off the ground holding my wrists that are itching to be cut, to numb the lane I'm feeling inside me. I open the bathroom door, and lock it after me. I go through the drawers hoping that Niall has forgotten one of his blades. And he had. I opened one of the drawers to see the blade sitting there, and without hesitation I took it into my hands.

I take the blade in one hand, and take out my left wrist. I look at the almost healed cuts from last time I did it. I feel my eyes fill with more and more tears by the second. I take the blade and place it on one of the cuts. It stings. I see blood come from my arm, and I let even more tears come down my cheeks.

"Lou what are you doing, let me in" I hear Harry panicking outside the bathroom door. "I can't" is all I can say through my tears, "Lou please" he pleads.

After a bit of silence I muster all my strength to open the door. My arm was bleeding non-stop. "Fine" I say before unlocking the door.

He comes in with worry clear on his face. He looks at the sink, and sees blood and a bloody blade. He then looks at my arm, and I see his eyes glass up. "Lou what happened with the police?" he asks, taking a step closer to me. "He told me that-" I start before breaking down again at the thought of it.

He comes over and grabs me in a big hug, keeping in mind my bloody arm. "Everything is ok, you can tell me if you want to you don't have to though" he says in a calming voice. I start crying even more.

He clears a bit of the sink, while still holding me in his arms. He then sits me up on the sink. He goes standing in between my legs, and takes my bloody arm, and starts to clean it up.

"He told me that my ex boyfriend died" I finally let out. He looks up at me from my arm, with sadness filled in his eyes. "I'm sorry" he says putting my hand down. "It's fine" isn't fine, I loved him, still loved him even after he cheated on me, after he broke up with me, and still love him. "Lou it's ok for it to not be fine" he says taking his index finger and putting it under my chin lifted it up so that we were looking eye to eye.

He looks down at my lips then back up at my eyes. He then leans down so that our faces are just a few inches apart from each other.  I can feel his breath on my face.

He places his soft lips on mine, and I don't resist the kiss. We keep kissing for a couple of minutes before finally separating to catch our breaths.

I look at him for a moment, I feel tears come back into my eyes. I feel like I have betrayed Calum, I don't know why, he was my first love. I thought he was the guy I was going to spend the rest of my life with, but he had other plans. It hurts.

Harry sees the tears coming in my eyes. "I'm sorry" he says looking down at his hands. "Don't be sorry, it was fine, I just feel like I'm doing something bad" I say to him. "I understand, if you want me to leave I can" he says looking sad. "No don't leave, please Hazza I can't be alone" I say to him, almost pleading him to stay.

"Ok" he says. He then puts his arms under mine and wraps his arms around my waist and pulls me into a comforting hug. "Thank you" I say to him, putting my head in the crevice of his neck. "I'm here for you."

We stay like that for an hour. I hear the door open, "Louis I'm home, Ash is here too he is staying the night" Niall says as he comes into the house. I don't reply, neither does Harry. "Lou, are you here?" Ashton asks, I can hear he is worried. "He must be. The tv is on, you check the rooms, I'll check the kitchen and bathrooms," Niall says to Ashton. "Ok" he says.

"He isn't here" Ashton tells out from my room, "he isn't here either" Niall calls from the kitchen.

I hear footsteps approach the bathroom me and Harry are in. The door opens, "he is here" Niall calls out. He looks at the sink, his face drops from relief to sadness. "Lou what happened?" he asks, I don't reply.

"The cops came to tell Louis that his ex boyfriend died" Harry says turning his head towards the door. "Oh no, thank god you are here Harry he could have done so much worse" Niall says thanking Harry. "I think I'll stay the night to make sure he is ok, if that's fine with you" Harry asks Niall, "it's definitely fine" he tells him.

"What happe-, oh no Louis" Ashton says as he finally gets to the bathroom, "Calum died" Niall says in a hushed voice. When I hear his name I start crying again. Harry rubs circles on my lover back, "shh it's going to be ok, just breathe" he tells me.

Harry carries me to my bed after about ten more minutes. "Can I sleep here or do I sleep somewhere else" Harry asks as he tucks me in, "you can sleep here" , tell him. I can see him trying to hide a smile, but he fails.

He comes and lies next to me, he wraps his arm around me and pulls me closer to him. He keeps me warm and it felt so comforting to have someone there. "Night Lou" he whispers to me. "Night Hazza, thank you" I say to him. "Don't thank me, I'm just happy I could help" he says before drifting into sleep. I do the same.

Do I know you? (Larry AU)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя