Chapter 10

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Louis' pov
"Bye" I say to Harry as he walks out of the restaurant. "I guess I'm not eating, do you want to come over to ours?" I ask, moving my focus from the door Harry just walked out of to Michael. "Sure, but I can leave if the others don't want me there" he says looking at his hands, "Mikey like I said it's not your fault, did you cheat on me" I ask him "no bu-" he starts before I suhs him. "Then no buts we are going, hope you have your car since I sure as hell don't Niall won't let me drive ours and I came here with a lift from Harry's anyways" I tell him, "yeah I have my car in the front, also I have so many questions about you and Harry fucking Styles" he says, I chuckle a bit, "I'll tell you in the car, good to have you back Mikey" I say taking him into a hug, "it's good to be back" he says into the hug.

Michael left London after mine and Calum's break up. He said he felt like he was to blame for the whole situation. Even though he wasn't he wasn't. Me, Mikey, Niall and Ashton all went to the same uni, but Mikey dropped out last year of uni to pressure his dream on being an artist. He never really was the study type, he always doodled in class never really paying attention. He moved to New York and started his own art studio, where he taught classes for kids and adults.

We get to his car. "Now tell me everything going on between the two of you" he says sounding like a schoolgirl wanting to hear some gossip. "Fine. So I met Harry first last week Wednesday, when I was walking home from the pub" I start before he starts talking, "Tommo at a pub on a weekday" he questioned me.

"Yeah Niall and Ash wanted to celebrate my chance of a promotion. Now as I was saying I was walking home when I bumped into him, I sassed at him like I would do in any situation, he introduced himself. I did the same. I hadn't first realized that he was Harry Styles, but when I did I realized that I was interviewing him on Saturday after his show. After the show he asked me, Niall and Ash to go get something to eat. He brought us to the restaurant where Cal broke up with me, so I had a breakdown in Ashton's arms, and me and him didn't end up going in. Later when Niall came home he told me he had given Harry my number."

"He later texted me, asking am I feeling better, I said yeah and apologize for ditching him, he didn't mind and suggested that we did it another time like on Sunday" I tell him, he has his mouth wide open, "but Sunday is Sunday roast day and it's for special people" he looks at me, "I know" I tell him.

"When he came on Sunday, he was very polite and even helped with the veggies. When he was about to leave Ashton told me to go give him a hug. At first I didn't want to but he ended up being a really good hugger. On Monday when I was finished writing the interview Marcel let me get off early, so Harry asked me for a celebration coffee. After the coffee we went back to mine and Niall's to watch a movie. The cops came to tell me that Cal had died, and I went on a downhill spiral and ended up doing this" I say as I lift up my wrist to show him the healing cut. "Oh no Louis" he says as he looks at my wrist.

"It's better now" I tell him to make him feel better, "ok good" he says, "now continue" he tells me.

"So when I went and did that Harry came knocking on the bathroom door to get in. I let him in and he immediately takes me into his arms. He cleaned off my bloody arm. And then he kissed me. After the kiss he just held me, and when Niall and Ashton came home he didn't move. He ended up staying the night, and he held me when I was sleeping, I woke up to his long arms around me, it felt nice. We have been talking every day since, and that what you witnessed was supposed to be our first official date, but he had to go do a pr stunt with Kendall Jenner" I finish telling him.

"You seem to really like him" he finally says after a bit of silence. "I do," I admit. I haven't even admitted to Ashton and Niall, but they have said it multiple times and I never tell them.

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