chapter 1 the legend begins

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(Jacob Hernandez)

(Do notice when I tell u what the eyes are like that the element)


Looks=tall,strong,tan-ish,black hair,inferno red eyes/clothes=white shirt and jeans, avatar=black shirt with a red jacket and black pants/age=14/element= fire and earth (not avatar just special bender)/team=team avatar #2/————————————————————

(Syd Adkins)


Looks=medium height,white,black hair, earth green eyes,/clothes=white shirt,jeans avatar=earth nation vest,green shirt,black pants/age=14/element=earth/team=avatar #2/


(Caitlon Clayton)


Looks=average height,darkskin,black hair,water blue eyes,/clothes=normal black shirt,jeans, avatar=water tribe coat, sleeveless shirt,baggy fighting pants/age=14/element=water/team=avatar #2/


(Lucas Rawlings)


Looks=tall-ish,white,light brown hair,blue eyes,/clothes=t shirt,jeans, avatar=blue republic city jacket,white shirt,fighting pants,/age=14/element=water/team=avatar #2/


(Jacob's POV)

Me, Lucas, Syd and Caitlon were walking around town when I saw something a man was walking toward us holding something I haven't see before I told them to speed it up and let's get out of here. We started to walk fastly towards my house which was a short distance away. I looked behind me he was following us I told them to stop for a second and we turned around and the man was still walking I decided that we should see what he wants. The man was now in front of us and he handed me the thing and said.

"Protect this with you're life and use it when you fear it or you are in danger." He said giving me a price of paper to read from and he said not to read this until you need the things power. I looked at him like he was crazy but kept the thing which I realized it was a star shaped crystal. The man walked away and told us to get home quickly we started to run towards my house and I made sure that the crystal was in my hand we walked into the house went to my room and placed the crystal on my bed. We decided to stay at my house that night and I couldn't help but stay near that crystal. It got late quick and everybody said I need sleep and I was being stubborn. So they started to aruge with me and I said alright and laid down on the bed I put the crystal in my pack since it wouldn't fit in my pocket and covered up with my blanket I looked at them as Syd crawled on the top bunk since my brother wasn't here. Lucas pulled out my extra sleeping bag leaving Caitlon on the floor and I wasn't gonna let her sleep on the floor I got up dragged her to the bed laid her down and pulled out a few chairs and laid down next to the bed on the chairs.

"Jacob you don't have to give me you're bed I'm perfectly fine on t-." I cut her off and said.

"Um no you're not sleeping on the floor and my bed is the the most comfy thing in the house so you sleep there and I will here." I said pointing to the chairs I was laying on. I fell asleep just after Caitlon.

(Syd's POV)

I woke up in the middle of the night wondering about that crystal and curiosity got the best of me and I got out of bed and got off the bed and hop to the floor I saw the pack were the crystal was in and made a grab for it. I would think that I would have some sort of power wall against my hand but I grabbed the pack and got the piece of paper with the writing on it. It said to work hold crystal in between you're two palms and focus then say these words so that's what I did.I read off the page.

"We the travelers of time now speak in this rhyme,we the travelers of dimension give you the power of that we will mention, to help the people of the universe and others you are now travelers of time which may seem fine,but beware you're duty is not easy but u will be helped along the way now make the evil pay,now were on the way to you're first mission of the day now fight and don't back down or many people will frown upon you as they see you're corpse now welcome to the dimension traveler team will give you powers beyond belief that can give relief." I read the paper and the crystal glows.(sorry if that rhymed sucked).

And it breaks apart leaving a black hole in the center which grew larger with every second. Then it started to to suck in things all types of things, every one woke up and I was sucked into the portal.

(Lucas's POV)

"SYD." I screamed as I tried to grab his leg and was pulled in with him the last thing I saw was Jacobs losing grip on his feet.

(Caitlon pov)

I saw Jacob getting sucked into the portal and I trued to grab him and fell in at the same time as him the portal was painful as it sucked the air out of our lungs spinning in a vortex. I saw the from then the portal closed leaving us in the vortex.I looked at Jacob spinning around then everything went white and I passed out.

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