chapter 2 meet the avatar

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I don't own avatar/korra


(Jacobs POV)

"Owwww." Is what came out my lips after my back collided with the ground I opened my eyes immediately and just in time to cushion Caitlon's fall I caught her before her body collide with the ground. I stood up bringing her with me. I looked at Syd angry.

"Are you fucking serious dude why did you touch the fucking crystal?" I screamed at him he looked around ignoring me or at least I thought he was, he lifted a finger an pointed to a city off in the distance. We started to walking towards the city and a leopard hopped out of a bush my instincts kicked in and and I sent a spin kick towards it and a whip of fire smacked the leopard, it hurried away from us. I smirked then realized that I just fire-bent then I realized again that we're in the avatar world. We started to run to the city and got there quicker then expected we saw a girl on a polar bear dog and was confused we hopped over a bunch of old cars and towards an island that we somehow got attracted to and we started to run so fast that we had to jump over cars, stands, people, animals, and lot of things then we got to a dock where a ship would take us to the island. We got on the ship and about 45 min later we got to the island and I knocked on the door and a bald kid answered the door.

"Hello um we need assistance please we need major help." I said the kid said to wait outside and we sat at the door and he came back with two girls one taller then the other but they looked about 7 and 10 we stood up and introduced ourselves. Then one girl screamed korra and daddy we turned around and saw that same girl and a bald man with a tattoo of an arrow on his head. We told him about our situation then he lead us inside and read from a scroll and we passed out.

(2 hours later)

(Memory wipe)

(He now only has info about the avatar world nothing of earth)

I woke up and looked around I was in a room with the boys and sat up I had intense pain in my back that I didn't notice before. One of the girls walked saying that it was good that I was awake but to take it easy I was wondering take it easy from what. She gave me my shirt that now looked clean I noticed that I was covered in nothing but bandages and my pants.

"How in the world did you get my shirt off and wrap me up in bandages?" I asked she just said that she was helping then said that she would be back and told me not to move with a warning-ish voice I said alright but when she left I got up and out of the room. I was walking around when I turned a corner and bumped into someone. I caught my balance just in time and stood up straight.

"Sorry about that I need to watch were I'm going." I said looking at her and smiled I received a smile. She looked at the bandages and I realized I still had to put my shirt on I slipped it on hiding the bandages and asked her what her name was.

"I'm korra the avatar and you're injured back to the infirmary." She said in a serious voice I kinda laughed and said I'll be fine.

"My name is Jeikobu." I said smiling.

(I'm not sure if the legend of korra us Chinese or Japanese's so I'm using my Japanese name which is Jacob but in Japan its Jeikobu got it).

"Yeah and you're injured so go back to the infirmary." She said and I just turned around and headed towards the infirmary. I walked in and she followed trying to make sure I don't make a run for it. She sat down on a bed not to far away from me watching me.

"I'm not gonna do anything okay so you dont have to watch my every movement." I said to her she shrugged.

"Well ah I'm not sure if I can't trust you." She said back and just made an angry face at her and laid down on the bed. I grumbled and sat back up she almost raised to her feet.

"Will you sit down please I'm just sitting up." I said to her and Lucas and Syd woke up I smiled then Syd said.

"Already getting a girlfriend I see." I made flames come out my finger tips and he looked the other way. The a lady came in and said that if we were hungry to follow I stayed behind while everyone left. Then I got up and went outside the house onto a platform training circle. I sat down then laid down and looked at the sky and whistled lightly then I heard foot steps and korra was above my head I sighed.

"Why did you leave the house?" She asked I said I needed some air she sat next to me and we started to talk. About 20 minutes later everyone came outside and sat in a row looking at the city.

"So ah guys anything fun to do?" I asked smiling.

So did u like it or not if u did vote comment or anything but here is chapter 2 I know crappy ending.

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