The Cave, The Messenger and The King

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The small green haired boy stood at the edge of the Dragon's Cave, it was the entrance to the dragon's kingdom.
Which Izuku wasn't exactly thrilled to be headed at the moment. He was sent here with a message for the Dragon King.
He had insisted on this job simply on the fact nobody thought he would go through with it, Todoroki hadn't been very open about letting him go but he had promised to be safe and ended up having to talk him out of providing a full guard escort here.
The longer he stood at the bridge of the cave the more he regretted the idea.
"Well, better to just get it over with.." He muttered silently to himself stepping inside of the cave.
The angry male had been even more aggressive then usual. It had always been his goal to beat Shoto at everything, ever since they were little.
They had been raised together due to their mothers and kingdoms being friends, but they were never close. Katsuki had always thought of the other male as more of a threat then a friend
And because of this, competition was his only solution. And as of now, Shoto was beating him at something he didn't like.
The half'n'half male had found a mate. And of course most kingdoms were happy about this, as the todoroki kingdom's heir had found a worth partner to help him rule and carry on the Todoroki line..
But Katsuki didn't like this. In fact he seemed to become more angry about it with each passing day, and it was quite obvious to everyone around.
"My king, a trespasser has been discovered inside our walls, he claims to have a message for you from Prince Shoto."
Katsuki sat up on his throne, "what could that icyhot bastard want" he muttered under his breath, before turning to the guard who had just delivered the news
"Well? What are you waiting for?! Send him in!" He shouted.
The guard nodded and hurried off to do as the king had said.
He had been taken straight into custody by the Dragon King's guards the moment he had stepped foot in the cave entrance.
Izuku was sitting on the ground where the guards had told him to stay while they notified the King when the guard came bursting back in.
"The king will see you now!" He said in a hurry, rushing Izuku to the throne room. Deku has never seen the Dragon King before he hadn't known what to expect.
But what he saw definitely wasn't what he had thought. The Dragon King was younger then Izuku had expected..he was probably around the same age as himself and Shoto. His eyes were a pure crimson red and his hair a spiked blond. Kinda of reminded Izuku of the Pomeranians he used to see growing up.
Deku stepped into the throne room
cautiously. He had heard rumors about the Dragon King and his apparent temper.
He looked up as the Dragon King's eyes met his.
(Note from the author, Ima make this also in the omegaverce bc- ya know why not, it's 3am- I have no life- anyways on with the story)
NARRATIVE (Katsuki/both)
Katsuki's eyes meet the smaller males and recognition immediately hit.. 'Isn't that..Icyhot's mate..' he thought to himself silently before his eyes met Izuku's neck..he hadn't been marked yet..tho it was abundantly obvious that the smaller male was an omega.
"Aren't you that half'n'half bastard's little pet?!" Katsuki snarled at the small green haired boy in front of him.
Izuku stares at him a minute before trying to stutter out a reply "uh- um-" "Yes? Figured. Anyways what does he want anyways?" Katsuki said a little pleased by the smaller males stuttered out reply.
Izuku inhaled quickly, adjusting to the change of subject, "W-well..he wants to r-request your help in the w-war against King Endeavor.." Izuku managed to muster out without too much of a stutter.
Katsuki thought for a few moments..'he wants my help? What makes him think he can-..' he stopped in his train of thought as his eyes landed back on Izuku.
A smirk grew on his mouth. "Well do I get anything out of it?" He snarled, "Uh yes? I t-think," Izuku mumbled, pulling the paper out that Shoto had written all the details of the message on. "Oh- uh yes, what ever you would like- f-from his side of the kingdom." The smirk that had been a ghost on Katsuki's face became more prevalent.
"Tell him I'll help him." He said simply, waving away a guard. "Oh-I-I can take the message back to h-him for you," Izuku stuttered out. Katsuki gave him a sneered grin "Well I want something from him in return," He said smugly. Izuku nodded, "I'll be sure to-o t-tell him. W-what would you like?"
Izuku stumbled backwards a little. "H-huh?" He had to have heard him wrong. Katsuki's smirk widened, "I said," He got up off the throne and made his way over to the smaller male.
Izuku seemed to take a small step back the closer Katsuki got, until he had run himself into the wall. Bakugou pinned his arms on either side of Izuku, making even the smallest get away seem impossible. "You." Katsuki said again leaning closer to Izuku, then Deku would've felt comfortable with.
"C-can you..b-back off a bit-t..?" Deku managed to stutter out. "And why would I do that?" Katsuki said leaning closer toward him.
"My king..?"
Katsuki sighed angrily, moving back from Izuku and turning to face the guard who had spoke, "What." He growled annoyed. "Prince Shoto got your message."
He smirked. Good.
"Word has it he is coming out to our kingdom," the guard finished. Izuku looked up from where had slide down to on the wall, Katsuki noticed, gritting his teeth angrily. "Well tell him I send my warmest regards and hope his carriage crashes on the way." Katsuki replyed bluntly.
"Oh and show our guest," he looked back at Izuku "to their room."
The guard nodded, "Follow me please." He said to Deku. "N-no I- really have to get h-home-" Izuku started, before Katsuki interrupted. "It wasn't a request." He said snidely. Izuku meekly nodded back and quietly followed behind the guard.
"Uh sorry about him, he has a bit of a temper sometimes," The guard said looking back at Deku, "I'm Eijiro, by the way, Eijiro Kirishima."
Deku looked up at him a little, "O-oh- I'm-m Izuku-u Midoriya." Deku said trying to cover up his stutter a bit. Kirishima gave him a smile and turned into a room, "You can stay here,"
Izuku pushed open the door, the smell of caramel hit him as he pushed the door open. He looked around the room, it looked like it was fit for royalty, it reminded him of Shoto's room back home. He turned to talk to Kirishima but the guard had disappeared. Izuku slowly shut the door behind him and sat down on the bed.
There was a bookshelf on the side, near where he had entered. Izuku walked over to it, slowly taking a book off of the shelf. He sat on the ground next to the book shelf, turning the pages of the book, it was an adventure novel, about a hero high school..
Deku has been so invested in the novel, he hadn't noticed the door had opened and slammed shut. And he hadn't noticed the Dragon King inside until he was right in front of him.
Deku looked up, seeing the taller male, he slowly put the book down. "Uh- he-ello, your majesty-y," Katsuki smirked, "Dont call me that," he said before pinning Izuku to the wall he was leaning against..again way too close for Izuku's liking..Deku turned his face a bit, leaving for space between him and the taller male.
Katsuki took this as an opportunity and leaned more toward Izuku, grabbing his waist, and pulling him closer. Deku moved to get out of Katsuki's grip, struggling against his strength. Katsuki's grip tightened around Izuku.
"L-let go-" Izuku mustered, trying to push Katsuki off of him. Bakugou smirked and his grip tightened even more. "I didn't hear a 'please' so that's gonna be a no..~" He hissed, leaning closer to Deku's face.
"P-please-" Izuku mumbled, leaning further from him..
Katsuki's hold on Izuku's waist got tighter as he looked at Izuku's neck.. "So..I see the icyhot bastard hasn't marked you yet..what a shame, he left you up for grabs.." Katsuki muttered smugly. Deku was close to tears at this point, he hadn't wanted Shoto to mark him yet, he wasn't ready, and shoto knew and had a kind regard for that. Izuku knew Katsuki wasn't going to respect that..
"D-dont-" Izuku stuttered, as Katsuki's eyes met his..
"Fine..I'll wait..not for long but..just know," He moves closer, whispering into Izuku's ear,

"You are mine now."

Short first chapter because I'm tired- it's 4am- but enjoy this my blossxm weebs^^

Also I'm sorry it's bad I'm sleep deprived running off of nothing but Starbucks.

Sorry for any spelling or grammar mistakes

1542 words

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 07, 2020 ⏰

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