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Logan did the unexpected. He kissed me on the cheek. The only person who saw was Ally Francis, a girl with purple hair and likes to pretend she's a Japanese anime doll. She sits catty cornered looking at the small glass window on the door. She was nice, but a little strange and sarcastic.
"So your dating." Said Ally calmly. "sweet." I couldn't tell if it was sarcasm or not.
"I don't know y-et."
"He kissed you. That's going out on a limb considering he couldn't see what he was doing."
"Yeah! Good thing he was blind!" Snarled Tina. "I know he wouldn't kiss you if saw your face."
"True, but to him you're just a mean voice. Not a pretty face." Snapped Ally.
"She's not a pretty face anyway." said Marcus. Marcus was taking collage classes to be a therapist so he was on my side most of the time even though people had never really talked to me before. Or ever tried to interact with me before in general.
"Some people need to put others down to bring themselves up. Because people who bully the disabled are just sad and cold inside, like a dark night." Logan had walked up behind us.
"You landed a keeper." Smirked Ally.
Logan tried tapping his cane outward but it hit my metal calf.
"What is that?"
"M-my leg." I answered.
"Whoops." And he blushed and burst into a sunny laughter.
With every word, I loved him even more.
The day crept by until after third hour. That was the only period Logan and I had together besides first.
"Why are you in here?" I asked Logan. "This support group is for kids that need help."
"I need help seeing remember?" He teased.
"Uh, yeah. That's what I'm for. This group is for self-esteem and crud."
"I know, moms right?"
"Right." I mumbled.
"What's wrong?"
"I don't have a m-mom."
"Oh. Who do you go to school with? That little boy and that lady?"
"Ms. Lola and m-my brother, f-fo-ster brother, Tyson."
"You can tell me."
"My mom and dad abandoned me when the figured out I was disabled. I was in a foster home until I was nine. It b-burned and I was inside. I never spoke until now. Ms. Lola adopted me because she apparent-rely couldn't hav-v-e kids. Her boyfriend and her got marr-rried. They actually had a baby, and then he lef-ft."
"I'm sorry." he said. "I've been blind since birth, I have nightmares every night. Not like you do though. Mine are terrifying. I hear voices and I run. I don't know who they are, what they are, who sent them, what they look like, where I'm going, what I'm going to run into..." he shuddered. "in real life, when I trip over things, I don't understand what I trip over. I scream at the stupidest things because I can't tell if I toppled over one of my sister Molly's toys, or a hand shooting up from the floor, waiting to yank me down. Poetry is my escape. I can create these wonderful, beautiful, amazing places in my mind to calm me down, just by using the one and only thing that I can grasp. Words. You can't see them, feel them, taste them, you hear them. And that's the only thing that makes sense to me. Sound."
I was amazed. His stories were beautiful. His mouth painted vivid images in my mind of what he was thinking.
"You're going to be inspiration to so many people in your life, like it or not."
Logan's face brightened.
"Excellent!" Exclaimed a disembodied voice. A light flicked on in the mirror to reveal a two way glass. Standing there was Ms. Lindsey Crockrhen. She had dark blonde hair, almost brown. Pale skin and green eyes. She was in her twenties and had a small gap between her bottom front teeth.
"I never could of got this much information out of you two if I bribed. Logan was shaking. He didn't understand what happened. I placed one hand on his shoulder and stoked his back once. With one last shiver, he became his cool, sly dog, artistic, self.
"Logan," she said. "it's Ms. Lindsey. I just came in, don't freak out."
"I'm not anymore." huffed Logan. She was a little late. She never was quite on point.
You two can have some free time while I put together a lesson plan fitting you both. She clapped twice and skipped off.
"Oh. Well then." he said.
"You'll get used to it. I'm glad i'-mm not the only one in this class any more."
"I bet. I want to ask you a question."
"Ask awwway."
"Would you like to come over tomorrow? I'd like you to meet my sister, Molly and all. My mom would adore you too." He flashed a smile nervously.
"So a date."
"Yeah well...I guess you could call that. If it was a date and all..."
"Okay, yeah. Whatever." we both laughed.
"I have to be honest with you, Logan."
"The reason I improved my speech and practiced grabbing things was to impress you. I set m-mmy minnd to do what I wanted, and did it. The only thing I worried about was you thinking I looked ugly."
"Well that comes to show you, appearance doesn't matter. When someone is just right ,
Then that's just how it's meant to be."

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 23, 2014 ⏰

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