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You didn't hurt me;
Your words definitely did.
Not all your words scarred me,
But those Promises, Ouch.

You lied twice a day;
That doesn't hurt me anymore.
But you promised everyday
that you won't lie to me, hurts.

You didn't choose me even once;
That doesn't hurt me anymore.
But you've always said
that I'll be first on your priority, hurts!

You never wished me on my days;
That doesn't hurt me anymore.
But you always kept reciting
stories of your sharp memory, hurts!

You never started a conversation;
That doesn't hurt me anymore.
But I've seen you starting it
every single time with others, hurts.

You've just received my calls;
That doesn't hurt me anymore.
But I've seen your contacts and
it's just me who's in incoming, hurts.

You said you don't like texting;
That doesn't hurt me anymore.
But I've seen my unread messages
below all your replied ones, hurts.

You never appreciated my presents;
That doesn't hurt me anymore.
But you've appreciated all of them
in front of me for everything, hurts.

You said Love you too just to me;
That doesn't hurt me anymore.
But I've always listened this for you
only from them as replies, hurts.

You never touched my back hugging;
That doesn't hurt me anymore.
But I've seen you hugging them
squeezing them into their laughter, hurts.

You've never gifted me anything;
That doesn't hurt me anymore.
But I've always given you suggestions
when you asked for it for others, hurts.

You've cared for me, even if a little;
That doesn't hurt me anymore.
But you've never ever loved me.
Mind you, that freaking hurts!

This feeling of not being loved ever;
Even that doesn't hurt me anymore.
But the way you crushed my heart
as well as those promises fucking hurts!

~Miss V

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