Chapter Twelve

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Nobody's POV

A freshly washed Beast sat on the couch, with his stomach against the cushion. His legs dangling off of the arm rest. Was he still naked, yes. But no matter how hard the Raven girl tried she couldn't make him budge into putting any clothes on. Raven sat on the other far end of the couch, discussing if he remembered anything that happened before.

"Nothing as Beast Boy?" she questioned. "Sorry sweet cheeks, nothin'", he was looking at her, with his chin on a pillow. Arms resting under it.

Raven looked at the book and turned to the glossary. She opened the page that seemed to start this whole mess. There was nothing but the ingredients and message left from this unknown person.

She thought to herself for a moment. Something— anything, she just needed a clue.

"Get dressed Beast, we're going out."

They walked side by side, on the pavement in the dimly lit street lights. People were hunched against the walls, smoking. Other that seemed to be homeless were sitting around or getting ready for night to come. It was about 7pm, and Raven knows the trio who left out won't be back in a while or rather a couple days. Robin left Raven a text to take care of Beast Boy. Apparently the place they went to eat at was holding a contest to see who could eat the most sushi in an hour. Of course with Starfires endless black hole she calls a stomach and Cyborgs ability to dine like a madman they won. And with that they were automatically sent to a three day trip to Hawaii.

She's a bit happier she didn't go now, the two restless lovebirds would be all up on eachother. Which no one wanted to see. And that also gave her more time with everything else going on. She didn't want them to find out, for her own selfish reasons. How would they even think of her then? A small little voice Im the back of the Ravens mind constantly saying it's your fault, and a sixth sense saying it was true. Not only that but her teammates, no, friends needed a break from everything. And if they didn't get to enjoy the little time they had now because they had to worry, she wouldn't be able to forgive herself.

A slight nudge on the shoulder brought girl out of her mind. Beast looked at her with an annoyed face and she noticed they weren't walking.

"What?," she looked up at him.

"Don't what me. Why the hell did we stop?"

"Oh," getting too caught up in her thoughts, she didn't even notice.

"Look, if you're not going to do whatever the hell we came here to do, I'm gonna leave. Wait- fuck I gotta take a piss first."

He looked around, trying to find a store. But they were still a good distance from any around them. This part wasn't the 'good' side of town either. A lot of crime happened in this place that consisted of thugs, drug dealers, and black market sellers.

"Give me a few minuties princess, I'll be right back," he dug his hands inside of the brown shorts pocket he wore with his bare feet trudging over to a nearby alleyway.

Raven stood in place. A few near her started giving her weird glances which she ignored.

Even after the countless shit Beast already gave her, she couldn't help but be slightly worried. Maybe-

"Ah,  fuck!"

The girls feet started to move on her own. Son of a bitch, he had to go and do something. Hopefully it was just a roach that crawled up his leg and not some man pointing a gun. She tired corner to the alleyway dazed at the site.

There stood the green man, shorts to his ankles, big green- you know what aimed at a man in a trench coat.

Beasts back was up against the wall. Nobody said anything but you could still hear the small stream of pee. His thing was aimed right at the mans stomach, and he held it there. The man seemed much in shock to move, from the piss. Beast was too much in shock from the scare, and Raven? Hell, she might as well turn back around like nothing ever happened.

Because he was pissing all over a man.

Thank you for all the support!

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