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Ashiya hadn't expected the flinch. The moment the man woke up, he seemed wary. He probably needed some space, and he seemed to be doing much better than when the half-beast found him. His ears listened closely as the male spoke. Volume was not an issue, especially in as deathly quiet of a room as the one they were staying in. At that time of night, most were tucked away in bed, or nodding off at the very least. The more unsavory folks would be prowling the alleyways around that time as well, so it was good that he'd gotten this fellow off the street. Some would ignore him, but there were those out there that might be interested in such a defenseless individual as Reid was at the time. As glorious a kingdom as everyone thought it was, Cordia's streets were still infested with underground troubles. Troubles that wandered the streets once it was time for lights out.

After withdrawing his hand from the stranger's head, and offering him something to fill his empty stomach, Ashiya returned to the wooden chair he'd been seated in up until that point. He took a seat once more, sitting in the reverse direction, kneeling one leg, and letting the other hang. As the stranger picked at what he wanted, Ashiya rested his arms atop the back of the chair. Silently, he'd hoped that the stranger would finish of the wretched vegetables left on the plate, but there was no need to push it. The feral dogs would enjoy the scraps after they were dumped in the trash crates outside. His head lowered to his arms, though not completely resting on top of them, and his golden gaze rested on the stranger, studying his behavior. It wasn't intentional, just something he tended to do nowadays.

"The Black Rose Inn. Nearer to the capital gates from where I found you. It's currently around midnight right now, so you've been out of it for some time."

Ashiya explained, his tail curling subtly off the side of the chair. The Black Rose Inn. A comfortable establishment with a bar down on the first floor, and rooms on the second. Downstairs, the bar had been shut down for the night, and all of the tables wiped clean in preparation to start the whole routine over again come morning. The rooms were fine. Cheapest in the capital. Ashiya's was a single bed room, since he hadn't expected to take in anyone during his stay.

"Oh, so you don't think I gave you anything weird, the medicine was just to reduce your fever, since you seemed to have one when I found you. That's all."

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