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I am as bad as a curse,

and as precious as a gift.

I am the light in the sun, and the kindness in the heart, but do not test me, I am the gift that can heal you, or the curse that can hurt you, it's your choice.

My heart is very forgiving that I tend to ask myself what am I doing? My love is a previledge that most do not get but my kindness is what I'm generous with, tread kindness is not a weakness, do not test me, I am the gift that can heal you, or the curse that can hurt you, it's your choice.

I'm not 100% anything but I am 99% loyal, be grateful, some don't even make it pass the hash mark, but you instead discard the one who has been by your side and has cared for you, for someone who hides their intentions from you, be careful. Do not test me, I am not a pop quiz, and you are not the answers, but a misunderstanding in my life, don't test me, I am the gift that can heal you, or the curse that can hurt you, it's your choice.

I have tried to change, become more passive, hold my tongue, speak less, appeal to everyone's feelings but my own, allowed myself to be used, neglected, treated any type of way.

I have become the the gift towards everyone, but now you've turned me into the curse,

I told you not to test me, I told you I could be your gift or your curse and that it was your choice, you've choosen for me to become your curse.

I told you didn't I?

but now you want to play victim and make me the bad guy? Because I decided to not be the victim anymore.

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