skinny dipping by the lake house (fluff/smutty)

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Note: I wrote this a while ago and posted it to my ao3 BowsAndTies. The original version has smut in it and can be read on my ao3 -  but since I'm not certain that version would comply with the Wattpad rules I refrained from posting it on here, but then I realized I could tweak the ending so that it would be for sure Wattpad friendly as well, so here it is.

«You've got to be shitting me!» Dom exclaims. He drops his bag to the grass-covered ground and gapes at the place they're going to stay at for the weekend.

Gavin told him he had booked a tiny house by the lake, just to give them a break from the busy promo-tour for a few days, but Dom could never imagine the house being as tiny as the blue house in front of him. Looking at it he'd be surprised if it even fits a full sized bed in there.

«It is sick, innit?» Gavin asks while taking unsure glances at Dom.

«Yeah,» Dom breathes, and picks up his bag again. «Didn't know places like these existed even.»

Dom takes another few moments to take in the view. Next to the house there are other tiny houses nearby, in which the closest one Gavin and one of the other boys will be staying in, and a bit further down from the house there's a lake with huge mansions on the other side of it. There's a fishing dock going onto the water, which Dom already has decided he will tan on later. They are are only 10 minutes away from the bustling city they were in earlier, but it feels like they've transported into a whole other place on earth, with all the greenery and peaceful silence surrounding them.

«I wanna see the inside!» Dom excitedly says and makes his way towards the deck of the house. Gavin follows with the keys in his hand.

Dom's sprawled out on the dock with his back against the wood planks. He can hear the distant murmurs of Tom and Adam, who arrived about an hour later than he and Gavin did, with food and beer for the weekend. From what he's lazily picked up on they're struggling with getting a fire going in the grill. Normally he would help, but he's too hot to bother. There's not an inch of his skin that's not drenched in sweat, his back and legs are probably stuck to the wood, and he knows he needs to get out of the scorching sun before the heat gets the best of him, but it just feels so good. Dom closes his eyes and revels in the sun until the boys finally figures out the grill and calls him for dinner.

«Fuck, I'm dying,» Dom groans as he uses his hand as a fan to cool down his face.

Adam raises a brow at him from where he's sitting on the stairs that leads to the loft.

«Shouldn't have cooked in the sun for so long.»

«Fuck off, as if you aren't sweating your balls off,» Dom groans again. He sits up on the couch to give Adam a miserable look.

«It's really not too bad for me, mate.» Adam says and takes a happy swig of his beer. Dom can see that some of his brown curls are matted to his shiny forehead, but doesn't comment on it.

Dom scowls and pulls at the fabric of the t-shirt that's clinging to his sweaty torso.

«Give me that,» Dom says and makes grabby hands at the bottle in Adam's hand.

«God, you're such a brat,» Adam complains. He still has a soft look on his face though, so Dom knows he's not that fed up with him. Adam hands him the bottle, which is a sweet, cold relief to the touch.

Dom takes a generous gulp of the beer. «Not my fault the air-con broke,» he defends.

«Can't argue with that,» Adam agrees. He stands up from the stairs and gets another beer from the fridge, since he knows he won't be getting his previous one back.

Oneshots | Dom x Adam (YUNGBLUD)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat