calm me down before I sleep (fluff/light angst)

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Note: Let's just say I romanticized Amsterdam a bit too much, oops. This is also posted on my ao3 BowsAndTies. In my mind this story takes place in January 2018 - around the time he performed at the Melkweg. If anyone has an idea, but they don't know how/don't have time to write it, feel free to leave it in a comment so I or someone else can write it!

Dom picks at his already chipped nail polish, making tiny black flakes fall onto the white comforter. The lights are on even though they shouldn't be, but if he turns them off he's scared the silence will become deafening.

Dom knows Gavin meant well when he booked him a hotel room to have completely by himself, but in reality he can't stand it because that means no distractions from his constantly racing mind. 

With a sigh he lets his head sink into the pillow.

One sheep. Two sheep. Three sheep.

He squeezes his eyes tighter shut.

By the 97th sheep Dom has to admit defeat as it is clear that sleep won't come any time soon. He  grabs the pillow next to him and smothers his face with it. He lets out a growl that's equally filled with anger and frustration. He only lifts the pillow from his face once his lungs start to burn from the lack of oxygen. Then he rolls out of bed to get one of those tiny wine bottles from the minibar. He takes a swig straight from the bottle, then he grabs his phone to send a text to the group-chat.

Dom: «anyone up?» 

Mikey: «we're out»

Dom: «what do u mean out?»

Tom: «gettin wasted»

Dom: «and who r we?»

Mikey: «everyone»

Adam: «not me, im sleepin»

Dom: «gee, thanks for inviting me»

Tom: «soz, thought you were tired»

Dom: «@Adam, wanna have a sleep over?»

Mikey: «ohh lala»

Tom: «gettin jealous over here»

Adam: «yea but only if you come here, cuz im too tired to get outta bed»

Dom: «fine, which room?»

Adam: «425»

Dom: «btw do u have alcohol?»

Adam: «I have a bottle of scotch»

Dom: «sweet» 

Gavin: «guys, don't forget you have a show, so don't get too smashed unless u wanna suffer»

Dom: «shh, that I do either way»

Gavin: «okay, we clearly need to talk in the morning» 

Dom pulls the hoodie he had haphazardly thrown at the end of the bed over his head. If he didn't have to take the elevator and risk being seen by other people, he would forget about putting on trousers, but since he does, he figures he should switch out the pair of trousers he's worn for days in a row with a some cleans ones from his suitcase. He slips on his shoes, then he grabs his phone, key-card and almost empty wine bottle and makes his way down to the fourth floor.

He gulps down the rest of the bitter liquid during the short three-story elevator ride. A lady wearing a black dress, looking way more intoxicated than he is, smiles at him suggestively. Dom smiles back at her. She's attractive, but not really his type. Besides, she's too drunk for him to even consider it.

«Have a good night,» he says as he exits the elevator.

«You too,» she slurs back, slumping back against the mirrored walls.

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