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It was in the middle of the winter, in a ditch laid a porcelain mask. It's face was of tragedy, it was stuck. It had no host to use and no one to talk to. And that was essential to it's life. It didn't know how long it had laid there, days, weeks, hell, maybe even months! Yet it still could not do a thing.


The sound of the snow crunching was enough to grab the porcelain mask's attention. It could see a dark figure out of the corner of its' 'eye.' The figure slowly got closer and closer. The mask was excited, finally, someone was here!

The figure suddenly stopped, the crunching of snow ceased, it looked down at the porcelain mask. The figure was covered head to toe in snow, he reached down a shivering hand to pick up the mask, his fingers were shaking, but he was curious as to what a mask was doing all the way out in the woods. "Hello there, sir!" The mask said suddenly, the man was startled, he nearly dropped the mask to the ground. "Be careful! You would not want me to break due to bad care!"

"You... You are a m-mask?" The man said, he could barely get his words out. "Yes sir!" The man glanced around the snow covered forest, then looked back to the talking mask. "W-What are you doing all the way o-out here?" The mask had to quickly think of something to tell this man, he wanted to go back to humanity, to people! Yet simply telling him that he was having a group of people transport him over to the king was... Suspicious.

"Ah well, I am a relic, sir! A group of some of my close friends were transporting me to the nearest church, but..." The mask was lying through it's porcelain. Making up a quick half-truth. "... They all perished." It said sadly. The man felt sympathy for the mask, he knew how it felt to lose friends, the people you cared about, pretty much everyone did. "Well, perhaps I could take you to the church. There is one not too far from here."

"That would be great, thank you."


The man had arrived in a small town, carrying the mask with him. The snow had only gotten worse, no one was out. The man pushed open the doors of the church with great difficulty. It was surprising to see that some people were in the church, mostly the homeless and the sick. The man brought the porcelain mask up to another man, whom of which was standing behind a podium. They talked for a little while, mostly about the mask. However, the mask was not caring to listen. He was too focus staring at a dark shrouded figure sitting in the very back of the room.


The man had managed to convince the church to give the mask a host. It wasn't too bad of a host, it was of a tall man. His hair was a dark brown and his eyes were light brown. Though, he was a bit too skinny. The clothes weren't all too fancy, it was one you'd expect from any average peasant. "So, what were you doing out there in the forest?" The mask asked the man. "Oh, I was getting wood. Me and my wife were running out of wood so I went to get more." The mask nodded. "And what is your name?" "Edoire."

"Well it's to nice to officially meet you Edoire!" The mask said, he held his host's hand to shake. Edoire happily shook the mask's hand. The mask turned to leave the church. "Wait, do you have anywhere to stay?" The mask paused right where he stood. "Uh... I guess not huh?" He rubbed behind his head. "Well, you can stay at me and my wife's house if you want?" Edoire suggested. "Ah, that will work. Thank you sir."


A few weeks had passed since the mask came. He had been staying with Edoire and his wife. But the mask had plans of starting to do acting again. The world had gone long enough without his plays! Sure, it was only a few months, but that was long enough!

The mask had also been occasionally been coming to the church. He sometimes saw that same robed dark figure way in the back of the church. The figure always peaked the mask's curiosity, it never spoke, it barely even seemed it was paying attention. But it always managed to catch the mask's eye.

One day, the mask decided to approach the figure, he might as well make as many friends as he possibly can while in this new town, right?

"Hello there sir!" The mask said, he stood over the figure with great confidence, while the other seemed to tense up. "Uh, h-hello there..." The man's voice was shaky, clearly he wasn't used to talking. The mask could see that the person wore a mask, it was bird-like, seemingly made out of leather, and it had googles in it's eyes.

"Say, I've seen you here quite a few times here, but I've never seen you come with anyone else or talk to anyone else. Is there a reason why?"

"Uh... I just don't really like people..."

"That's understandable. People can be pains." The mask snickered. "But friends can also be really nice"

"I guess that's true..."

The mask sat next to the person. "So, what exactly do you do?"

"Ah, well, I guess you could call me a 'doctor.' If you want to..."

"Alright! Say, what is your name?"

"I uh..." The doctor looked away.

"Do you not have a name?"

The doctor just shook his head no.

"That's okay. I don't really have a name either, but I guess you could call me Dyo!" The mask reached out a hand for the doctor to shake.

The doctor hesitated a little, but he did take the mask's hand. "N-Nice to meet you D-Dyo..."

"Nice to meet you too, doctor!"

The pair stayed for a little while, just casually talking. Mostly things that weren't that important. Like hobbies and their favorite foods. The doctor had warmed up quite a bit, even if they talked for a little bit. However, by the end of the day they had to bid each other farewell. The mask had heard the doctor name drop something called the 'pestilence.' He didn't know what it was, but he was curious, perhaps the next time he sees the doctor he would ask the doctor about it...

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