The Reunion

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      It's been about 2 years since we've became members of the Wings of Rebellion and saw that girl, Marie. Sir and the patrollers were teaching us how to use ODM gear for when we become cadets. Sara and I thought it was easy to use it but Kaspar was hanging upside down but got better in a few months. Felix got the hang of it after some days of training. Ingrid had only a little trouble. Elise is not bad. "Okay, time for a break," Sir said landing. "Kid, I want you to tell Squad D to pick up Squad 36 from Shiganshina after their meeting," Sir said pointing at me. "Yes Sir," I said running to their section where their cabins are

      Depending on how good your squad is, you get a letter ranking. Depending on the letter you have, that's your rank. Squad A being the best and Squad E being the last of the best. If you just have a number, you are not official members yet or didn't get a high enough ranking to get a letter ranking, other than that the numbers really mean nothing. My squad is Squad 33. "Hey! Squad D! Sir wants you to pick up Squad 36 from Shiganshina!" I yelled through their section. "Okay!" the squad leader yelled back. I start to walk back to my friends.

      We were at our special spot. "So Squad 36 should be back at sundown, right?" Kaspar asked. "Right. In the meantime let's go help with the horses. It's our turn to today," Sara said glaring at Felix and Kaspar. They both groaned. They were never really good with horses. One time a horse kicked Kaspar so hard he practically went flying and Felix got bit by the same horse. They happen to get the worst horse to deal with. Ingrid on the other hand, loves horses. Even the worst horse loves her. Come to think of it, she and I are the one of the few people who could handle that horse. We all started to walk over to the stables.

"Hey Ingrid can you deal with this one?" Kaspar said pointing to the horse who kicked him. "Sure," she said as she released the horse and pointed at Kaspar. It started to chase him. Kaspar kept yelling, "NOT AGAIN! NOT AGAIN!" Ingrid was laughing so hard she fell to the floor. "Here we go again," I groan as I try to stop the horse. I get the horse to calm down as Kaspar is standing at a safe distance trying to catch his breath. "Why would you do that!" Kaspar said taking a breath between each word. "Cause it was funny," Ingrid said tending to another horse. "Could you two stop fooling around," Sara said irritated. "Kaspar could've gotten hurt or even Felix," Elise said as she finished feed her horse. "Come on let's just finish this up," Felix said holding a bucket of water.

      A little bit later we finished tending to the horses. After that we just did some random work around the place. Until sunset, which is when Squad D is supposed to come back with Squad 36 and we were supposed to help them unload once they got here. "UGH!! HOW MUCH LONGER ARE THEY GOING TO TAKE!!!" Kaspar complained walking around impatiently. "Shut up idiot," Ingrid said smacking the back of his head. "Ingrid, don't smack him too hard or else he will lose more brain cells," Felix jokingly said. Kaspar then glares at Felix and mumbles to himself. "Play nice you guys," Sara said breaking the tension. "We don't want what happened last time to happen again," Elise continued. "If I remember correctly, Ingrid smacked Kaspar's head so hard that he was actually knocked out," I chuckled. We all started to laugh. "Hey can you help us unload? We need a little help," one of the members of Squad 36 asked. "Okay," I said.

He runs off to the warehouse. "They should be in the front of the forest. Come on," Sara said leading the way. We got to their wagon and grabbed some boxes. "I bet I can carry the most boxes!" Kaspar exclaims. "We all know that Xander is the strongest. He can probably pick you up with the boxes and throw you to the warehouse. The good part about that is you'll get there faster," Ingrid said helping Elise with her box. "Kaspar don't carry too many boxes or else you'll drop them all," Sara said taking a box from him. "Felix, you don't need to carry anything we've got this," I said picking up my boxes. "You can take the horse back to the stable," I continued. "You know I'm not good with horses," Felix shaking his head. "Lucky for you, that's one of the nice horses," "Okay..." he said letting out a sigh. I start heading to the warehouse with the boxes. I hear some distance yelling and in the distance I see Kaspar drop his boxes and run to the warehouse. I place down my boxes and start to run. I then hear a loud noise coming from the warehouse. 'What is it this time' I think to myself. I could hear Elise yell, "Kaspar!!" as she runs into the warehouse. Then everyone drops their boxes and starts to follow her. I catch up to everyone as we reach the warehouse. I see Kaspar on the floor with a bunch of boxes next to him and Elise having her hair ruffled by.... Marie!?!

      "MARIE?!?" I yell surprised. Marie turns to me and runs towards me, hugging me, tightly. "I finally found you," she mumbled. I hugged her back then I told her to let go. "Wha-what are you doing here?" I asked surprised that she found me. "I've been searching for you for so long," she said with a certain sparkle in her eyes. "You shouldn't really be here," I whisper to her. "SQUAD 33 AND 36 ARE YOU OKAY?"
'Shit Squad D and C are getting involved now' "No worry's. I've got it under control. I've found and caught the trouble maker," I said putting my index finger over my lips to tell Marie to shut up and not speak. I mouthed 'Just play along' She nodded. "I'll take her to Sir," I said walking away dragging Marie. I could see Squad D run in to help clean up and Squad C look at Marie threateningly and I just drag her faster.

I get to Sir's office and the two guards there ask what I'm doing here. I say I have to turn in the trouble maker to Sir and they look at me confused. Probably because I usually just get rid of the rat instead of taking them to Sir. Most people here don't call people who snuck in 'rats' but I do and I started it all. I knock on the door to Sir's office. "Come in," I hear from the other side of the door. I walk in and close the door behind me. I tell Marie to sit on the couch and I saluted Sir. "So what's this about?" Sir asked as he looks up from his papers. "I've mentioned her before Sir," I respond still saluting. He walks around his desk to take a closer look at Marie. "What are you looking at creepy old man!" Marie yells. I instantly became furious. No one disrespects Sir. I was about to slap Marie when Sir grabbed my hand and shook his head at me. "Now, now kiddo, we don't treat our guests like that, now do we?" He let's go of my hand and I look at Marie with an apologetic look. She seems a bit scared. "And apologize to her," he said crossing his arms. "Sorry," I mumble but loud enough for them to hear. "Sorry about him, he can be a bit of a hand full," he laughs as he pats my head. I look to the left a little embarrassed that he's treating me like a child. I'm almost 12 for crying out loud. "Marie was it? Can you step outside for a moment? I need to talk to Alexander for a bit," he said sitting back down at his desk. "Okay!" She said walking out. It looks like she tensed up a bit when he called her name.

"Okay, she can stay here for a night or two but she cannot stay here forever. Make sure she leaves. That is all. You are dismissed," I nod and salute before leaving. I walk out to see her butting heads with Kaspar. Of course. "Welcome back," Sara said waving at me. Everyone turns their head and looks at me. Even Kaspar stopped to look at me. "You have a night or two before you have to leave. Your choice," I say a little too bluntly. "Awwwwww! But I just got here and your friends are fun!" Marie said looking down in defeat. "Come on, let her stay a little longer," Elise pleaded. "Sir's orders," I say as I turn away to go to my cabin. I can hear footsteps coming up behind me. "Hey. You tired?" Sara asks me in a soft voice. "Yes," I state as I put my hand on my head. "Is it happening again?" Sara says as she gets in front of me and put her hands on my shoulder, looking at me with concern and sympathy. "Yes," "Hey why don't you and Marie catch up later; it's getting pretty late. Go to the cabin first. We'll keep Marie entertained for the time being. We'll take her to our cabin when it's time to sleep. Go rest up. I'll take over," "Thanks," I nod and continue to walk to our cabin. Falling onto my bed immediately. 'What am I supposed to do? Ugh! I can't get sleep, headaches have become more frequent,and now Marie's here. Where will she go after she leaves? Heh. I shouldn't worry. Sara will handle this' I close my eyes and drift off to sleep.

I open my eyes to see everything red. 'It's blurry. I can't see. What's happening?' It suddenly hits me. It's happening again. I see two people struggling. I try to scream as one stabs the other but I can't. I can't talk. I can't scream. I can't do anything, but look in horror with red blurry vision. The guy left standing walked up to me and-

      I get up with a jolt. I'm sweating and panting. I put my hand on my head. 'So it's another one of those nights, huh?' I hear the door creak. I look over to where the noise came from. It was Marie. "I can't sleep like this," she said leaning on the door frame. 'I can't either' "Here, follow me. I've got a place," I say getting out of bed and walking out. We walk to the end of the forest where the security is the lowest and climb the trees. I get there effortlessly but Marie struggles a bit. Once she gets up on the branch. She turns her head to the open sky and smiles. Her face is filled with joy at the sight. "It's beautiful! Now I can sleep," she says sitting down and resting against the tree. "My friends and I go here when we can't sleep. The stars help a lot," I say doing the same. I turn my gaze from the stars to see Marie already sleeping peacefully. I sigh and start to doze off.

A/N: After like 7 or 8 months or something it's finally done. Season 4 has given me the motivation.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 21, 2021 ⏰

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