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"i don't really trust this hyunjin guy."

it was another usual day during a study session, in seungmin's private library, where they always had their daily study sessions, when jeongin had suddenly brought the topic up.

"why not?" seungmin looks up from his papers with a little frown.

"i don't know, i just... think his vibe is a little off," jeongin shrugs, placing his pen down, "it's just something about him. like he can't be trusted. or like he's some kind of bad guy."

"you can't trust a person based on their 'vibes' or whatever that is," seungmin rolls his eyes.

"i know, but it just feels a little weird to me."

seungmin huffed loudly in annoyance, turning to jisung with total seriousness painted all over his face.

"what do you think of him ji?"

jisung looks up from his worksheets with a perplexed expression, "well i mean, i don't know, i haven't even talked to him yet. but he has been hogging you from us lately, so i can't exactly say i like him, either."

"argh," seungmin gets up from his seat with an annoyed sigh, "this is pointless. i'm going to go get some snacks."

walking briskly out of the library, his frown deepens when he rethinks their conversation.

why am i so worked up about it anyways? it doesn't matter if they like him or not... does it?

shaking his head roughly to clear his thoughts, he continued to make his way to the kitchen, but something else had distracted him.

a buzz from his back jean pockets make his mmm freeze again, pulling out his phone to check the notification.

an automatic smile spreads across his face once seeing who the text message was from, as he eagerly typed in his answer.

a little too eagerly.

"oh no."

seungmin widens his eyes in realisation once he had sent the message, an unsettling feeling in his stomach.

"I like him."

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