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"are we going back soon?" seungmin asks, clearly disheartened as he runs his hand across the dusty and cracked ledge, " i really like this place

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"are we going back soon?" seungmin asks, clearly disheartened as he runs his hand across the dusty and cracked ledge, " i really like this place."

"not yet darling."

hyunjin's voice is tense; seungmin can tell. but his relaxed facials says otherwise, as the two boys look down at the pretty city lights.

"do you love me?"

hyunjin's abrupt question rings through the air, and seungmin doesn't hesitate at all before answering.


"do you trust me?"


"would you..."

hyunjin slowly turns around to face seungmin; his calm and collected facial expression now long gone, replaced with a vacant, unreadable one.

"...would you die for me?"


after hearing seungmin's answer, hyunjin slowly reaches into his coat, and pulls out a small pistol, apologetic eyes filled with dejection.

"i'm sor-"

but hyunjin stops short, furrowing his eyebrows deeply in confusion when he sees the boy opposite him, maintaining his cool, looking as if unaffected by everything that was happening.

"you're way too calm right now to be held at gun point right now-"

"i knew since the beginning."

seungmin's words is clear and cuts through the thick air. they take a moment to register in hyunjin's brain, but the younger continues on without letting said boy to properly soak up this piece of information.

"ever since the day your brother came over, i knew. i accidentally overheard your conversation, and i've seen my target papers in your bottom nightstand drawer."

"wait a second," hyunjin mutters slowly, trying to let everything sink in, "if you knew... then why'd you stay?"

"because i loved you," seungmin's voice is lowered into a soft whisper, his tone holding so much emotion, and his eyes holding yet even more, "i couldn't bring myself to part with you."

"i protected you all this time. i defended you when jeongin was right all along, and i knew that you were dangerous. i knew-"

"-but i still stayed."

seungmin's voice cracks, but he doesn't stop.

"i guess i loved you too much. i'm probably psychotic, wanting to be with someone that is hired to kill me."

a brief moment of silence passes; the fresh breath of air is long gone, replaced with a thick atmosphere.

"but i want to know-" seungmin's eyes flickered up to meet hyunjin's, and he could see that the younger's eyes were filled with emotion, tone laced with affection. dejection. hurt. love.

"-i want to know if you feel the same about me. do you?"


hyunjin doesn't falter, as he looks at seungmin with a steady gaze. but his vision is blurry with tears, heart pounding in his chest.

"good. that's all i wanted to know," seungmin shoots hyunjin a bittersweet smile, warm tears rolling down his cheeks.

pointing at his chest, seungmin gestures for hyunjin to shoot, and time stops still.

deep guilt grows in the pit of hyunjin's stomach, seeping into his heart. it hurt so much. he couldn't breathe.

"i love you," hyunjin's voice is tight. sorrowful. and so is his gaze, as the wind blows gently, and the city lights twinkle all around them, "i'm sorry it had to end like this."

hyunjin's heart clenches tightly as he raises his arm, hand shaking as he positions to aim, tears now freely flowing as he pulls the trigger.


seungmin slumps to the ground, bringing up his hand to cover his bullet wound as he grimaces in pain, hand stained red.

the pink colour of his cheeks slip away slowly, and soon his face is cold and pale, mouth slightly agape as he lets out one last breath.

seungmin's eyes flutter close, and hyunjin lowers his gun.

he released a breath he didn't even know he had been holding in.

seeing seungmin's lifeless face, it gave hyunjin a strange sense of peace. like he was being freed from a cage.

the wind ruffles his hair as hyunjin stares down at the brunette's tear-stained face.

the silence was so loud.


a/n: angst bc i'm mean

also this is so cliché i'm so sorry

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