Diabolik Lovers (Subaru Sakamaki - lemon~)

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You always admired the only practically (almost) normal family member of the Sakamaki's. He was quiet, possessive, and had such sad eyes that longed for that soft loving touch. And you wished to be that one to give it. But, of course, how could you, [y/n] [l/n], ever date such a gorgeous man?

Only luck could grant that. And luck shall it be for you! Because as you sit in Maths, you are failing the subject. But you thought you had totally aced that quiz! I mean, sure, you almost flipped the table when you were in page 1, but you still finished it!

"Tch" You grumble, the grip on your pencil tightening, making your knuckles go white.

You relax knowing you can nap it off, under your favourite tree. It's a cherry blossom tree, which it happens to be spring, which means their blooming. And their soft texture it so delicate and wonderful.

The bell rings in it's usual annoying tone, but it means freedom. You stand with the class and bow, saying goodbye to your sensei, you follow everyone's lead as you all pack your things.

"Ms [l/n], please stand behind I need to talk to you, urgently" Your least favourite teacher [least favourite teachers name] says, the whole class listens and snickers.

"Why me, God?" You sigh to yourself as the whole class leaves and you sling your bag over your shoulder, shuffling over to the teacher, "Hai?" You ask politely.

"Your grades are dropping, [f/n]. This is quite a big dilemma. They are decreasing at a very fast rate and we must act fast, so we are giving you a tutor. His name is Subaru Sakamaki" He states.

S-Subaru.. S-S-Sakamaki?.. You think to yourself, you feel the flames on your cheeks.

"Arigatou sir" You say softly, wide eyed and staring into space.

"Ehem" He clears his throat as you still daze into space, "EHEM!" He coughs as you jump.

"Oh.. Hai?.." You ask, your voice soft and blunt.

"As I was saying.. Sakamaki shall tutor whenever he feels like, this is what he said as I cannot force him a timetable. He's doing the whole school a-- I mean, ahem, me I mean. A favour" Your teacher dusts off his brown coat.

"Arigatou.." You mumble and shuffle off, in your world of thought, not even hearing your teacher call out.

I can't believe THE, Subaru Sakamaki, is going to tutor me, [f/n] [l/n], an outcast. I'm so honoured! You imagine yourself getting an award, you thank the crowd, the trophy is a mini golden Subaru. You cry tears of joy and keep thanking them, kissing the trophy in pure joy. Your arm is jerked and you fall into a room, you lie completely still, wide eyed.

"Oy, get off the floor" You have an all to familiar voice command, you climb to your feet, "Sit down and let's begin the teaching".

You blush badly on your [s/c] complexion. You stutter no words as you find yourself in a room with Subaru Sakamaki, alone, in a room. ALONE IN A ROOM WITH SUBARU SAKAMAKI! Kyaaaa!!~~ you mentally scream and sit down quietly in front of him.

"So, you obviously know that we're learning maths" He sighs and the table holds the weight of maths textbooks and calculators.

You almost sigh in defeat, maths has killed your happiness, but an angel has restored it with Subaru's face.

"So.. Are you my tutor for the day?" You ask embarrassed, fiddling with your fingers.

"No, until you ace the next exam" He replies and groans in frustration, "Now will you be quiet and learn something?!" He yelled as you had an anime sweat drop on your head.

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