Im Fine

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(Deku's POV)
When I got to school my friend Uraraka (the only person who knows im an omega) was waiting by the gates "Hey Izuku!" Uraraka said with a smile "Hey come on lets go we don't want to be late". When we got to the classroom a heard yelling that could only belong to my bully who just has to be a alpha Bakugou or as I like to call him Kacchan "Shut the fuck up shitty hair!!" Kacchan yelled while karate choping him in the neck. I put my head down and slowy strated to walk to my desk in hope he didn't see me thankfully he didn't so I sat down with sighing in relief. Mr. Aziawa walked in with his sleeping bag in hand "Ok class today we are going to have a free day only because I got 3 hours of sleep and I require more so do whatever you want just be quiet. Also there will be dorms tomorrow so make sure you bring your stuff tomorrow" after that he got into his sleeping bag and was out like a light. 'No no there can't be dorms my heat is suppose to be here in 2 days what if someone finds out my secret or they try and rape me no no this can't be happing' my breath stratred to speed up and I strated to scratch my arm "Hey Izuku breath it's ok" a voice told me I looked over and it was Uraraka trying to clam me down guess she kinda noticed she grabbed my hand so I wouldn't scratch anymore and rubed my hand "I know your scared but promise you I wont let anybody tuch you" she said with a reassuring smile her words clamed me down and soon enuff my breathing calmed down as well "Thank you Uraraka I don't know what I will do with out you" I said smiling "No problem thats what friends are for" we talked for a bit until the one and only Kacchan came over "Deku why were you so worried when Mr. Aziawa said we have dorms what are to scared to by away from your mommy" he said with venom in his words I couldn't take it anymore so I walked out of the classroom and ran into the bathroom with tears in my eye's "why me what did I do wrong why does he hate me so much" at this point I was sobing I hid in a stall and took out a blade and pressed it against my skin and dragged it across my wrist gasping at the pain 1 cut turned into 5 and 5 turned to 10 before someone knocked on the stall door.
(Bakugo's POV)
I was kinda worried about Deku mainly because there was something abput him that made my alpha happy but I didn't want anybody to know that so I asked him what was up but in a mean why that made him run out of the classroom 'way to go you scared off your mate' my inner alpha yelled at me 'he's not my mate he's not even an omega' "what the hell Bakugo!" Round face yelled to me "whatever he's such a cry baby" 'no he's not shut up' my inner alpha was not happy with me "shut up no he's not!" I rolled my eye's "Whatever I will go check on him" I left the room and went over to the bathroom and I hread him crying I knock on the stall door "im busy" I rolled my eye's "no your not Deku let me in" "leave me alone im fine" 'no he's not he need comfort from you' shut up "I know your not ok Im not stuiped Deku I looked down at the floor and saw blood 'shit help him' "damit Deku are you hurt let me in" "no go away it's not like you care" "please just let me in!" Just the stall unlocked I opened it just in time to see Deku pass out I quickly caught him in time so he wouldn't hit his head "shit Deku what did you do" I picked him up bridle style I looked down at his arm and my heart shattered there were 10 fresh cuts on his wrists I took him down to recovery girl.
Time skip to when he woke up
(Deku's POV)
I woke up to someone holding my hand I looked over to see Kacchan rubbing him hand "Kacchan?" He let go of my hand and walked out of the room I felt lonely I got up and looked up to the clock it was lunch time so I went down to lunch and sat next to Uraraka "Hey where were you" "oh um I was resting in the nurse's office" I said while rubbing the back of my neck "oh ok here you go" Uraraka passed me my pills to cover up my secent.
After school
I went home and went to my room to start to pack for the droms I packed my clothes and my toothbrush and toothpaste all of my pills I looked in my closet to see my box of um 'toys' I thought to myself 'do I need it, it will help with my heat but what if someone finds them I bit my lip and I decided to only bring one. I went to take a shower the warm water helped calm me down I then put some comfortable clothes black shorts and a oversize t-shirt I went down stairs to get some water. I then went to my room to draw I love drawing it makes me happy and it helps with my anxiety. After an hour of drawing I went to bed snugging into by pillow.

bakudeku omegaverse. warning self-harm involvedWhere stories live. Discover now