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Ps: the art above was made by Chelsey/Glower as a birthday gift which was some months ago :D

The day Jed met Chelsey was the day he would never forget, he never felt these feelings before, he was flattered. But those friends she mentioned... who are they? It was late so he decided to go to sleep. A few minutes passed as he was about to fall asleep but heard white noise. 'Is that the rain?' He wondered for himself. He decided to drink a glass of water, he had to pass through the living room, seeing the TV turned to static. "Did Leather forgot to turn off the TV again?" He asked as he tried to turn the television off, but it didn't turn off. "Huh?" He plugged out the cable, but even that couldn't turn it off. "Leather, what did you do to the TV?!" He yelled. Oh well, he suddenly noticed paintings falling from the walls. His face turned red as he saw who it was, not from anger but blushing. He saw Chelsey, her body was all static he and made a judging look. Chelsey gave him aconfused look. "What? Never seen a staticy demon before?" "Yes but actually no" he replied with a "O_O" face. "Why so shocked?" She asked but Jed didn't reply, deep in thoughts.. "Hello?" She asked. Jed shot out of thoughts "Wha- huh, what did i miss?" "The fact that the police is at the door" she replied "WHAT?!" "Yeah, people don't like seeing demons.." she said nervously. Jed opened the door to see two cops at his door "um hello, what can i do for you?..." Jed said confused, "we got a call from your neighbor there was a demon in your house" one cop replied. Jed saw his neighbor smirking at him through the window, he frowned at that. "Who wants pizza?" Jed heard his sister say, he and the cops looked confused at her, she slowly walked away after that awkward moment. "Um nope nothing here" he replied nervously. The cops were pretty dumb so they just believed and walked away. Jed couldn't seem to find Chels and was confused. Leather was already to sleep. He went to sleep as well.
Time skip to the morning
It was morning, and Jed decided to go outside. Leather was still asleep. He went outside to the park and noticed a group of people. There was a pug dog with one light blue eye and one dark blue eye, a green and black long tail and a bandaid on a spot her ear should be... would it be ripped off? The other girl was a skeleton-like person with long brown hair. The other girl has blonde hair and black eyes with purple pupils, leaning onto the chest of a boy with black hair and was human-cat-like. At the other side he noticed a other group of people. One was a white skinned demon-like girl with green hair, green grey horns and light green eyes with black pupils. She looked like it was Sint-Patrick's day to her. Another girl was a blue cat with pink ears and pink pupils. And another girl was... Leather? Yes, Jed's sister was talking with them. Must be her friends. Then out of nowhere Chelsey walked up the the group of the pug, skeleton, cat and human. Jed noticed and wanted to talk to them so bad. He walked up to them and the group noticed. The pug got nervous "oh well... um.. i've got to.... do the... laundry!....yeah!" Everyone looked confused at her "okay" everyone replied "so what's up with you? Who are you?" The skeleton girl asked. Jed was only thinking about the fact that Chelsey is there. "Hello??" "Oh yeah.. um...." he said as he snapped out of his thoughts. "I'm Jed.. and i just wanted to talk to you all" the group stared at him and nodded exept for Chels who was busy on her phone and not noticing the situation at all. Jed still felt all the love in him.. but how would he deal with it?.

Okay this is it for this chapter, i honestley kinda think i messed this chapter up but i don't wanna restart it.

Demons Are Just Abused Angels (Chelsey X Jed)Where stories live. Discover now