Cutiesss (Pearlmethyst)

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(Takes place after change your mind)

After the diamonds left, Steven, Connie, and Greg decided to go on a "humans only" vacation, leaving the crystal gems and their newest members to do as they pleased. Bismuth was slowly but surely catching the newly uncorrupted gems up on what had happened in the past 6,000 years, Lapis and Peridot were exploring their relationship, Garnet went on to help some of the homeworld fusions, Amethyst was taking some time to recover from the recent events, and Pearl had some unfinished business to attend to. ;^) She walked briskly towards the beach house in hopes of finding a certain purple gem.

During her walk, she thought about many things, but mostly how Rose would feel about what Pearl was about to do. This was not the first time Pearl had thought about this; in fact, she thought about it quite often, and until recently the thoughts haunted her. But what had changed her mind? During the brief and recent period on homeworld, Pearl realized how horrible it was to be a pearl under another gem, or just to be a lesser gem in general. 8,000 years ago, Pearl was given to Pink Diamond. She did not live as normal pearls do; for a few thousand years Pearl delt with a... interesting master. Pink was not like the other diamonds, or even like other lower-class gems. Until she was given earth, Pink had no job, no real purpose. Pearl was programmed to help her diamond avoid trouble, unlike PInk's previous pearl, who often got into trouble alongside her diamond. That pearl had really done nothing wrong, she was just following her diamonds orders and assisting her when she needed it. However, the other diamonds quickly realized after that pearl was damaged, that Pink Diamond needed... a firmer rein, so to speak. So Pearl was given to Pink, programmed to be calm, collected, and mature. Years went by, gems were made, gems were shattered, colonies were created and destroyed, homeworld had fallen into an era of despair at the alleged shattering of Pink Diamond, and Pearl had lived through it all. And the whole time she was doing what she was made for, even without realizing it, she was serving another gem. When Steven was born, Pearl had no idea who she was supposed to serve, it broke her, she had nowhere to go and nothing to do. But there was one person, one gem, who ever since the day they met had adored Pearl, if only Pearl had been able to see it, been able to feel and accept it.

She reached the house and was not surprised when she did not see Amethyst, come to think of it, Pearl hadn't seen Amethyst for a few days; this was not unusual, so Pearl paid no mind to the absence of her teammate. However, Pearl needed to find her, she needed to talk to her. Pearl effortlessly opened the door to her room and immediately headed for the tower she knew led to Amethyst's room. Without hesitation, Pearl slipped through the column of water into Amethyst's room, easily Identified by the musky (but not unpleasant) smell, and dim lighting. She started walking, while the room was not infinite, it was very large, which made for a difficult time whenever something was needed out of Amethyst's room. The past few days Pearl had been planning out what she was going to say, making sure it wasn't "nerdy" or "boring", just sincere and to-the-point. Although she was confident in her planned speech, she still rehearsed it in her head, until she was interrupted by an unsettling sound.

Almost immediately, Pearl made a mad dash for the source of the sound and was disheartened to see Amethyst, a small, courageous, beautiful gem, under a blanket on top of an old mattress, sobbing. Pearl had dealt with situations similar to this, but she was usually in Amethyst's place. She decided to try and approach Amethyst slowly and front the front, as not to scare her and upset her more. Amethyst was not aware Pearl was there until she felt the mattress shift, as soon as she realized she wasn't alone, she tried frantically to wipe away her tears and clean herself up, but it was too late. Pearl had pulled her into a loose hug, resting her face in Amethyst's hair. This act of compassion made Amethyst even more emotional and she just cried; it felt like she cried for hours, finally feeling the weight of all the events that just took place. The trip to homeworld had been a... difficult experience for Amethyst, she was on a new planet, she was put with a bunch of gems she didn't know, she was poofed by the full might of a diamond, and she was possessed, among other things. But one of the experiences that really made her sad and angry was when she and Pearl fused; it was wonderful to feel chosen by Pearl, and for a second she felt complete! Until Yellow dirtwad decided to forcefully ruin her, forcefully ruin THEM. She had been so close, she loved Pearl so much, and at that moment she thought that maybe, just maybe, Pearl did too.

Then Ameythst realized what was going on, Pearl was there, hugging her, comforting her; not because she was trying to spit in the face of a diamond, but because she was concerned for her. Amethyst hugged back with all her might, she never wanted to be alone again. She turned her head, causing Pearl to lift hers. They stayed like that for a minute, just looking at each other, it was then that Amethyst decided to show her love for Pearl. She leaned in and planted a kiss on Pearl's gem, not a hungry kiss, just a little peck, to see if it would be accepted.

Pearl inhaled at the kiss, but did not hesitate to accept it, she was so happy. She hugged Amethyst as tight as she could and placed a tender kiss on her lips. They continued to share little kisses until they both fell asleep, content, and excited for what was to come.

(This one is really bad, they get better haha)


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