Confrontation (Lapidot)

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          It had been a pretty quiet day in Beach City; Peridot went to visit the shorty squad and they went to Funland for the afternoon into the evening. However, when Peridot got to the barn (Bismuth had helped them build a new one, delightfully similar to the old one) she could immediately tell something was wrong. It was Summer, so, why wasn't Lapis outside? Pumpkin wasn't out either; where did they go? Peridot walked around the fields a few times before, cautiously, making her way to the barn; keeping a lookout for Lapis and Pumpkin while she was walking.

          Having not seen either of her companions on the way to the barn, Peridot was beginning to become concerned. She reached the barn and peeked around the corner. The sun was setting, and the early evening rays were peering through the cracks in the roof. While the sight was very aesthetically pleasing, Peridot was very worried about Lapis and Pumpkin. Driven by concern, Peridot stepped inside and made her way over to Lapis' hammock, she was thoroughly surprised when she found it empty. "This is where she normally sleeps..." Peridot thought as she backed away from the hammock. At this point, Peridot was on the verge of a panic attack. She could not lose Lapis again, she would shatter herself if that happened...

          As luck would have it, Peridot managed to spot Lapis out of the corner of her eye. Relief washed over her and all concern dissipated, however, the ease was soon interrupted. Lapis was laying on Peridot's old mattress, sleeping. (hopefully)

          Pumpkin was not sleeping, however... She was giving concerned whines at her mom, only occasionally mustering a small bark. The whines and barks only stopped when Pumpkin saw Peridot. Instead of barking and running to go greet her, though, Pumpkin slowly walked over to Peridot and tugged on her boot; telling her to go to Lapis's side. Peridot was too worried to ask questions and soon walked over to Lapis. She sat a few feet away as not to wake her just yet.

          What Peridot saw was disturbing. Lapis was covered in bruises and scratches, her clothes were torn, her form was covered in dirt and grit, she looked horrible. Peridot was immediately taken aback by her appearance. What in Homeworld happened? Peridot needed to know.

          Without thinking, she reached forward to place a hand on Lapis's shoulder. As soon as Peridot's hand made contact, Lapis jumped back, spread her wings, and launched into the air; a look of fright overtaking her features. She stayed a-flight only for a second before her form glitched and she pummeled a good 9-feet to the floor with an unsettling thump. "LAPIS!" Peridot shrieked, hurrying to her side. Lapis tried to stand, but her knees buckled and she fell into Peridot's arms. "Whoa, whoa, whoa, Lapis, shhh you're okay, you're okay sweets..." Peridot set her down on the mattress and sat down in front of her. Lapis looked miserable, her head was down, her hands were in fists, and she had tears streaming down her face. "Lapis..." Peridot began "What happ--" Peridot decided against asked Lapis what was wrong, realizing it could be a possible trigger. "What do you need me to do?" She said after a minute of thought. 

          Lapis extended her arms, requesting Peridot to come closer. She had always loved physical affection and now seemed to be no exception. Peridot scooted forward and encased Lapis in her arms, whispering words of reassurance and comfort. Peridot gently rubbed Lapis's back, being mindful of her, thankfully undamaged, gem and injuries. After a while Lapis leaned back and pressed her forehead to Peridot's gem, taking a deep breath and collecting herself. 

           A minute or so passed and Lapis was the first to speak. "A-are you ok, Peridot?" Peridot smiled. "Silly, of course, I'm ok, but what about you? You look like someone hit you with the tractor!" This made Lapis crack a small smile "Would you like to tell me what happened? No pressure, I just want to help in any way I can." Lapis froze for a minute, collecting her thoughts, then she began. "I-I went to see Jasper. I tried to talk and apologize, but then she started yelling, an-and throwing things at me. I should have left, but I stayed, and it turned into a fight... I was doing ok, just trying to reason with her, but then she grabbed my wrist and I panicked--" Lapis was starting to cry again, but Peridot hugged her tight. "That sounds horrible sweet pea... you can stop whenever you need to." Lapis was talking very fast, it was clearly something she wanted to avoid conversation about. "It's just us, no rush. I love you~" Peridot kissed the top of  Lapis's head in reassurance. Lapis took a few shaky breaths. "I love you too..." She smiled, and leaned back, continuing her story. 

          "Jasper- she, slammed me on the ground, an-and stepped on my back, on my gem... I was so scared; everything was happening so fast... All these memories came flooding back to me... My instinct took over and I threw her off, but not before I was cracked... It wasn't bad or anything, but I couldn't fly. I just ran and ran and ran, never looking back... Eventually, I made it to Little Homeworld and was able to warp to the barn and everything was fine, but I was still shaken and exhausted and stuff... That's it, I'm pretty sure you know the rest..." Peridot was crying herself now, why was Jasper such a bitch? "Lapis I- I'm so sorry, come here." She pulled Lapis in for another hug.

           Lapis and Peridot were quiet for a while, taking some time to calm down and process the events of the day. It was getting late, and the sun had set completely. Lapis gave a small yawn, putting more weight on Peridot's shoulder. Peridot snickered quietly. "Let's get you cleaned up and into bed princess~," Peridot said, scooting back. "Okayyyyyy" Lapis replied, she was much too tired to argue. 

           Peridot helped her up and they went to the small pond outside (two girls, chillin' in a hot tub, right next together cause they are gay) They stayed in the pond for a while. Peridot gently washed Lapis's form while they had a relaxing conversation about non-Jasper related things. 

           This is exactly where Lapis wanted to be. It was such a wonderful experience to be able to have someone who knows your past, someone who knows you as a person. It is such an amazing thing. Lapis had never understood how great it felt until she and Peridot began to settle down. It fills you with a sense of relief, knowing you have a healthy relationship and that there is always someone there who has your back. 

            While both Lapis and Peridot were enjoying their bath, they had classes in the morning. "Hey Lapis, we should probably get to sleep, even though we don't need sleep being gems and-" "Yeah, let's go" Lapis interrupted, smiling. Peridot glared at her, but then giggled and hopped out.

            After they dried off, Lapis climbed up to her hammock. "Are you coming Pear?" She said in an almost begging tone. "Only if you want me to... I don't want to make you uncomfortable after... well, today." Peridot said, trying to be vague about the events of the day. "I think I would be uncomfortable if you didn't come up here, silly." Lapis's sweet words made Peridot blush. "Okay! One sec..." Peridot said as she grabbed some scrap metal to fly up to the hammock with.

            Once they were settled Lapis felt the urge to say something "Hey pear... thanks for everything. You are so nice and I hope one day I can repay you for that..." Lapis said, trailing off. "Hey, no problem Lapis, I am just so happy you are ok. I love you princess." Peridot gave Lapis a peck on the lips and snuggled in closer. Lapis hugged her tight "I love you too sweets~"

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