She Got Us!

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The sound of bell caught you off your thoughts and decided to head towards the ring of the bell. Which brought you to the person you were looking for.

"Ray!" You yelled his name, instantly running to him and looping your arms around his own. "I've been looking everywhere for you!" You exclaimed, thinking, 'Hmm~! Yes! Ray's arms are the best to hug!'

"Geez, you're always looking for me." He grinned, "Do you really need me that much?"


He deadpanned before turning his attention to Isabella with Emma, "Dinner preparations are ready, Mama."

"I'll be right there." Isabella kindly replied.

Ray started to walk away alongside with you as you fangirl at how nice his shoulder felt. "Hey, (Y/N)."

You replied with a dreamy voice, not paying attention to him, "Yes~?"

"Did the three of you go to the gate yesterday?"

"Hmm?" You hummed in thought, pondering if you should tell him or not. 'Norman and Emma said to me that I have to keep it a secret so..."

"A hundred times nope!" You answered in a carefree tone, not focusing on his question but his arms, "Mmm~ I would never get tired of praising Ray's arms."

He was quiet for a moment before finally saying, "I see..."

Suddenly, you yelled in surprised as if you'd realized something and detach from his arms, even though it pains you. "I'mma check on Norman and Emma." You said in a pained and strained voice as you dramatically drops on your knees and stared at his arm, "I'm sorry for leaving you, my love...b-but."

This always happen when you leave Ray when you didn't want, let's say that he was used to it however it doesn't change the fact that he's still a lil bit weirded out. 'And here she goes again.'

"Yeah, yeah, just leave already and don't start a monologue here."

As fast as light, you immediately stand up, your tone switching from pained to happy like a light switch. "Okie! Bye!" And with that you left and chased Emma and Norman.


"Ah—" You were about to talk to them but you spotted them breathing heavily like they spotted something scary. Emma is on her knees and Norman's hand is tightly clutching his chest.

After a while, they seemed to calm down just a little bit. Norman offered his right hand to Emma. The way his offered hand trembles didn't go unnoticed by you, as you stare at it, feeling an odd and unfamiliar feeling creeping up your chest.

'Why is he trembling? Is Norman scared? But why? There's no monster here. I don't know why but... I don't like seeing him tremble.'

Unconsciously, your left hand grasp Norman's trembling hand making him and Emma face you with slight surprise and relief at your appearance. You stared at his no longer trembling hand with a neutral face before grinning happily and firmly squeeze it. You also took Emma's left hand after she stand up.

Giving them a grin, you cheered them up, "Come on you guys! Why're you scared for? There's no monster here!" Your tone changed to a superhero voice, "And if there is, then I'll defeat them using the power of hugs and kisses! No being can withstand it! So have no fear, (Y/N) is here!"

Your speech definitely gave them a few laughs and giggles at how cheesy and awesome it was. Their panicked state was no longer and replaced with their usual selves.

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