Forty One Days

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Harry moaned before swatting blindly at the air.

"Leave me alone, I wanna sleep," he groaned before smothering his face back into his pillow.

Who ever it was blew into Harry's ear and he was sure something else wet did too.

"Ugh what the hell?" Harry yelled croakily before tearing his eyes open.

"Oh Harry, I love you too," Louis cooed before getting right up in Harry's face. It look a moment for Harry to adjust.

"Ugh go away," Harry croaked unamused.

"Ew go brush your teeth. Your morning breath stinks," the older boy commented wrinkling his nose.

"No," Harry said rubbing the sleep out of his eyes.

"If you want a kiss from me, you'll have to brush your teeth first," he teased getting off Harry and sitting on the side of his bed. The younger boy ignored the snark comment and gave a lazy yawn.

"Why did you wake me up?" Harry mumbled as he sat up and trying to unknot his locks.

"Cause you're going to help me pick out a ring," Louis said simply as he smoothed out Harry's duvet.

"But aren't you supposed to buy the ring before or...."

"Yeah well you're coming anyway," Louis blushed. He ducked his head thinking Harry wouldn't see him go red. But Harry did. Harry stared at him trying to figure him out. Why would he drag him along? Why couldn't he just ask Eleanor what ring she wanted out of the catalogue. Was he trying to rub his engagement in or something?

Harry couldn't help but stare at the older boy. Even in the morning he looked good. His appearing stubble and his morning hair. Everything about him was just so perfect. Louis looked up from the bedspread and caught Harry staring.

"What?" he smiled a cheeky smile.

"Nothing," Harry cleared his throat and quickly looked somewhere else.

"Okay...." Louis said creeped out.

They sat there in silence for a while not looking at each other. Out of the corner of Harry's eye, he watched Louis scratched his head as he stared into space.

"Well hurry up then," the older boy said suddenly breaking the silence. Louis ruffled Harry's curls before leaving his room.

As soon as Louis left the room, Harry flopped back on to the bed hit himself in the head and pulled at his own curls.


"This is the one," Louis said for the hundredths time as he pointed at a ring through the glass.

"Yeah, that's what you said about the other ones," Harry sighed exhausted. The two friends had been here for hours and Louis would just pick up one ring, see another one, put down that ring and pick another one up.

"Well then help me Harry. Gosh, I bought you here with me for a reason. To help me," he rolled his blue eyes at the younger boy.

"Well if you didn't know, I'm a guy and Eleanor is a girl. Besides, I don't even know what she would like," Harry replied tracing a circle on the glass cupboard filled with rings.

"Oh come on Harry. I didn't bring you with me to test you about how similar your ring taste is with Eleanor's gosh. The whole worlds not against you you know," Louis arched an eyebrow at Harry before going back to ring searching.

"Well it sure seems like it is," Harry said quietly so that Louis wouldn't hear him.

Harry browsed through the rings looking at nothing in particular. He didn't like these shops, they irritated him. All the rings looked the same except some of them were silver and some of them were gold. The descriptions for the rings were all complicated saying stuff about sapphires and diamonds. It made him confused because he'd always thought sapphires were blue and diamonds were clear but they had green sapphires and pink diamonds. All this diamond crap was giving him a headache.

He looked over at Louis who was looking at each ring intensely.

Why did he even come?

Harry had gone around the shop about ten times now. Not thinking he would see anything new, he went around once again. But to his surprise, something caught his eye.

It was an old looking silver ring with no diamonds. The oldness of it almost made it look rusty. There were engraved patterns on it and you could tell it was made very carefully. One reason why Harry liked it so much was because it had no shiny annoying jewels on it and because it was simple.

"Sir do you need anything?" A middle aged woman asked who worked here.

"Umm yeah ummm how much is that?" Harry stuttered gesturing at the ring.

The price was pretty cheap for a ring. Harry was impressed.

"It looks antique," he stated simply.

"Yes it is. An old couple donated it to us," the assistant smiled.

He nodded standing there awkwardly.

"So who did you come with?" She asked casually. Harry pointed over at Louis who was squinting at a ring contently.

"Oh so you guys are...." she commented without carrying on the sentence.

"Oh no, no. Not that way. I'm such best friends with him. He dragged me along to buy a ring for his fiancé," he explained quickly. The word fiancé tasted sour in his mouth. He stuffed his hands back in his pockets. They felt more comfortable in there and he felt less exposed.

"Oh haha okay. Do you want to get a closer look at it?" the shop assistant offered. Before he could reply, she took it out of the cabinet and placed it in the palm of his hand.

"Harrry! I found one!" Louis chimed before rushing to his side. His eyes fell to the ring in Harry's hand. He grabbed it from Harry's hand and Harry protested with a weird sound that came out of his mouth.

Harry stood there awkwardly as Louis examined the ring waiting for what he thought.

"Do you like it sir," the girl asked.

Louis didn't answer but kept turning the ring over and over in the palm of his hand.

"Please hold," he told the girl without even looking at her before fetching his phone out and taking a picture of the ring.

"Um sorry sir but there's a policy for taking photos in this shop."

Harry felt sorry for the girl because she was just trying to do her job but instead she got the death stare from Louis. And no one wanted the death stare from Louis William Tomlinson. The girl shuffled away all red faced.

"What are you doing?" Harry asked him as his eyebrows furrowed at the screen of his phone.

"Oh nothing. Eleanor she wants a ring with diamond so I probably won't get that one," Louis replied look frustrated. He placed the ring back into the palm of Harry's hands and went back to looking.

Harry stood there rolling back and forth on his heels with the ring in his hand.

Well obviously Eleanor only liked diamonds.



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