Christmas Gift

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Who would have thought that fairy tales do come true. I've just got my ultimate present I keep on wishing for and it came true this Christmas. It was Natsu. He is the most popular guy among our batch mates because he is good at everything. And this guys is holding my hand today as we walk by the bay to watch the sunset.

"Lucy, you are the best give that God have ever given me today."

"Me too Natsu."

"I would do everything just to make you happy."

"I would do the same for you."

"I love you Lucy."

"I love you more Natsu." I said as I lean on his shoulders " hey wait I remember you said that because you take sometime to reply because you are talking to her, and you told me that I am that girl."

"Uh um it's too embarrassing to tell you."

"Come tell me."

"Okay. You asked me right if I like someone."


"What do you expect me to do in that situation, when the one you like asked you the same question.?"

"I've answer you right away right."

"Well yeah but what do you feel?"

"Oh okay I get it. So you are nervous at that time, and you don't know what to say and panicked because it took you a long time to say it."

"Well yeah how did you know?"

"I guess I know you better than you are."

"You pip squeak are you stalking me?"

"Yeah do you have a problem with that?!"

"No because--"

"Because you did the same thing. Hahahaha"


"Look at you blushing really hard your so cute."


"Oh I almost forgot, I need to go home now. "

"I'll drive you home."


"Yeah I just got my car from my dad earlier this morning."

"Okay of I'm not bothering you."

"Of course not."

"Wow what a beautiful car you got there." It is a yellow Lamborghini

"Yeah It was an awesome gift."

"I know right."

"Get on."

He drive me home and surprisingly he know where I live.

"Thanks for driving me home."I get out of the car.

"Your welcome." He also get out of the car

I walk through out door step and he followed me.

"Let's talk again on Facebook later okay."


"Hey look." Huh he pointed at the ceiling at our doorstep

"A mistletoe"

"You know what it means right." Yes but who put that mistletoe?

I am just looking at the mistletoe until he grab my shoulder and k-k-kissed me!
He kissed me on the lips and he is not letting go so I just closed me eyes and feel his lips on me.

"Merry Christmas." He said and left me stunned in front of our house

"Oh Princess welcome back." Virgo opened the door and keep saying things I don't understand. My mind is shifting from reality.

"Princess are you alright?!" She said as she shake me

"Huh Virgo your here. Merry Christmas!!!!! Whooooohhhhh best Christmas ever!!!!!!!!"

"What happened to her?!"

I go up to my room and scream like there is no tomorrow. He kissed me on Christmas! This is my first kiss!!!! Kyaaaaaa!!!!!!!

I wash up because it's already 9:00.

I opened my laptop like usual and see message from my Facebook.

"I love you!" It's from Natsu Kyaaaaaa!!!!!!!!

"I love you too thank you for today Natsu I really have fun."

"Your welcome."

"Um sorry but I'm kinda tired today can we talk tomorrow?"

"Sure. Goodnight sweet dreams"

"You too bye." I said and log out

That was an epic Christmas yet. And I want to do it again next year but more fun. Best Christmas Ever. Merry Christmas Everyone!!!!


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