UmMmMmMmM :)

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Luis made a group chat with Lynn, Neil, Damao, Ira and Lily named ~Omg They Were Roommates~

Luis: and so it begins

Neil: hey guys

Lynn: What is the meaning of this, Luis?

Ira: the fully punctuated sentence speaks volumes

Lily: hi guys

Damao: hey I guess

Luis: chill Lynn it's just so we can all talk to each other

Lynn: This could be beneficial. I'll allow this.

Lily: wait how come you guys didn't add Abu???

Ira: who?

Lily: you guys literally live with him






Lily: unbelievable

Lily: Lynn he pays you rent!


Lynn: Oh.

Lily added Abu into the ~Omg They Were Roommates~ groupchat

Lily: now Abu can say things other than woo!

Abu: hi

Luis: wait I still don't know who this is

Lily: LUIS!

Abu: I've literally lived in the same apartment as you for months



Ira: OH FUCK- sorry


Damao: shit my bad

Abu: it's fine I'm used to it by now

Lynn: We sincerely apologize to you. Luis, Ira, Neil, Damao and I will pay half of your rent to make it up to you.

Lily: cold guys, just cold smh


Ira changed Luis's name to Zompocalypse

Ira changed Damao's name to Haha Furry

Ira changed Neil's name to Nini the Cloud

Ira changed Lynn's name to Best Mom

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