Thought it would be funn o_o

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I got this idea from -honeymoonfades- xX-LittleOne-Xx and yeonskosmos

It's a little game where you would be the one to choose if I am this or that. It seemed interesting, so thought it would be interesting to put up! Answer even if the questions don't make any senseeeee XD

Am I..

Soft or stoic

Friendly or temperamental

Cute or hot

A babie or a baddie

Social or distant

Potato or Peach

Salty or Sweet

Day or Night

Kind or a firecracker

Dog or Cat

Practical or Daydreamer

Gooey butter cake or Brownie

Dom or Sub

Big sis or lil' sis

Weird or Normal

Chocolate or Cookie Dough

Tsundere or Kuudere

Animal Crossing or Call of Duty: Black Ops II

Netflix or YouTube

Pancakes or Bacon

Regina or Karen

Approachable or intimidating

Average bean or Smartt

Short or tall

Bubbly or Feisty

Gentle or Blunt

Mature or Childish

Sweet tooth or spicy

Pepperoni pizza or bacon pizza

Sweet or Psycho

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