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Okay, so this is a general statement cause it had been nagging at me for a little while. Bullying is bullying. It could be considered as long term OR short term. As I understand it is long term, many don't consider that even short term it can happen as well and have effects.

This purely frustrates me as it can come in all forms whether that be online, school, the work force, pointing jabs at people, hate accounts, etc. It isn't just one thing and doesn't happen in just one place or area. It can happen just about anywhere, which is scary.

Apologies that this may have seemed more like a tangent. It had been to point out more so that it doesn't just happen long term, but can happen in the short term in the here and now, the present. Truthfully besides taking note of the fact that it can happen anywhere, on anywhere(online such as cyber bullying), or during any time or place, I hadn't known where the rest of my thoughts would go with this but it had been nagging at the back of my mind for a while now and I just felt the need to put this out this out there.

Whatever anybody's going through, the harsh and hard times, I am here for you all when I can be. I may be off and on, but I will try my best to get back to others when I can as best I can. I may have a slight problem with my attention span, but I really will try to get back to talking to anybody who just wants to vent or express how they feel in that moment.

Again, apologies if this had all kinda seemed jumbled up together. I didn't want my thoughts to randomly disperse in the process of getting this all out there when I had them. And anyways, I love you all. Once again, if ever you need someone to talk to. To converse with. I'm here.


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