Chapter 6: Park Jimin

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It was clearly 9 am now. As boss gave me day off, I am free. I decide on going shopping. I notice Y/n was following me from behind. "You know I can go alone," I roll my eyes while looking at him. He giggles a bit by hearing me. "What if you collapse again? And don't talk with me in public. People would think you are talking to the wind." "Whatever..." I get busy with buying grocery items. Moving the trolley along, I accidently hit an unknown guy. He sure looked handsome. "S-sorry!" I bow a bit. "It's okay miss..." he smiles a bit and moves on. I sigh in relief. But something was different, Y/n was staring at that guy with a death glare the whole time. "Y/n...?" "No time! Come with me!!" he runs to the direction where that unknown guy went. I get surprised and follow Y/n as well. It was the first time Y/n looked this much angry. I don't even know what's wrong here...

Lisa: Y/n, what is it? (Whisper)

Y/n: Lisa finish your shopping before that guy gets out. We will be following him.

Lisa: What? Why?? Who is he?

Y/n: Can't tell right now, I'm busy. Hurry! We don't have time.

Lisa: Uh ok ok!

I had a few more things to buy but it can wait until tomorrow. So I immediately pay for the remaining things and take the bag quick so that I'd be able to catch Y/n. Luckily that guy has not also got out of the shop yet. I have a doubt that somehow he must be related with Y/n's past life. After a few minutes, he pays for his things and leaves. "Let's go!" Y/n orders as I follow him quick. The handsome guy quickly gets under his car to leave. I mentally face palm myself.

Lisa: We can't follow him like this.

Y/n: Get a taxi. There is one...! (Points)

I look at that direction and immediately call the taxi and get in.

Driver: To where?

Lisa: Nowhere, just follow that car.

Driver: W-what...? (Surprised)

Lisa: I swear I'll pay you more than you expect just follow that car.

Driver: O-ok mam...

Luckily, we were able to reach up the pace of that car. At last, we reach an unknown place where people could be hardly found. That guy finally gets out of his car, I get out as well. I pay the driver and leave his sight quick cause I have to follow him for Y/n's sake. But who is he?

Lisa: Y/n? We have been following him for hours, now would you tell me who is he?

Y/n: If I tell you, you'll get caught immediately and would get fucked up. I'll tell you soon, just follow him with me.

I nod and keep on following that guy. He was heading to a building which looked abandoned. What's up with him? He looked mysterious to me, a lot... I walk in that building and to my utter horror; the place was full of bloods in floor. My nose could hardly tolerate the smell of rotten corpses. "What is this place?!" I whisper really low so that that guy won't be able to hear me. I quickly hide behind a wall when I notice another guy was straight to him. He looked a lot taller than him.

"What did you buy, Jimin?" the tall guy asked him. My heart beat seemed like dropped by hearing the name. "Some vegetables, maybe we can have soup today at lunch?" he replied having a little smile. I was shaking a lot. I couldn't even move an inch.

Lisa: Y-Y/n, what should I do? I-I am scared...

Y/n: Don't talk. Don't do anything. Or else, they'll catch you.

Lisa: I-I don't know what to do...



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