take something that aler you are die

29 1 1

Red pov

We walk to the movies and we to the mall the to the park ,a as we walk a guy tap me " may I help you " I said " yeah I want your phone number sweetheart 'w^" I look at this bitch, about to pull my gun out but he was sucked into a black hole ,

Aler pov

When that asshat ask for mine girlfriend number I was mad /jealousy I sucked he into my black hole where he will die no one can take my girlfriend from me " I know that was going to happen " toxic said " I didn't I was ready to shoot the guy " red said pulled out a minigun " how the fuck can you hey that in your pocket" I asked " I don't know I just get what I want out of my pockets " I am so confused

We saw jack " hey jack what are you doing ?" We asked " oh just waiting  for max we are going out to a date " Jack said happy " that good to hear will good luck on your date  " red said " thanks will bye "

At the house

I was looking everywhere for re but can't find her " red your mom die !!" I yelled " yyyyyyyyeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaahhhhh!!!!!" Found her , she was in her snake from  umber the couch" why are you there love " I asked " I don't know-w-" she came out and turn back to her normal form then we watch a movie and cuddle.

Hope you like it bye

Love you 😘♥️❤️Izzyisinthedark666

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