A/N and Introduction (please read)

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If you want to read more from me, please consider reading I Don't Wanna be you Anymore which is another LGBTQ+ inclusive Supernatural fanfiction but is very different from this one :)

This story includes some triggering topics(listed below), so if anything could potentially trigger you, please refrain from reading. 

Curse words will be used liberally, so if that makes you uncomfortable this isn't for you.

POSSIBLE TRIGGER WARNINGS: Depression and depressive thoughts, gender dysphoria, body dysmorphia, slight disordered eating, suicide and suicidal thoughts, self harm, self destructive thoughts/actions, bullying, kidnapping, death, murder, homophobia, transphobia, slurs, violence, dissociation, panic/anxiety attacks(and symptoms that come with), etc.

I base all of Ash's mental struggles off of my own and I promise this is not glorifying/romanticizing mental illness. 

This timeline isn't canon !!!! The most recent full canon storyline was the MOL (s12) with bits and pieces from s13, and a small amount from s14. 

This is based in 2020 but it is not the Supernatural universe's 2020 and neither our 2020, it's completely separate. 

Changes/Clarifications: Crowley is alive, Charlie is alive, Mary visits the bunker occasionally and is currently hunting by herself, Jack never lost his soul or grace.

 What does Ash look like?

There isn't an actor that I can envision for his character, so that's where your imagination comes in!!

Ash is a 16 year-old 5'4 white transgender boy, with a industrial bar piercing on his left ear. He has a men's undercut(I think that's what you'd call the hairstyle?) and his hair on top is a few inches long and at the moment dyed a bright red, but he dyes his hair different colors regularly. He is asexual and bisexual. 

He mostly wears black, his outfits normally consist of combat boots or skate shoes, black skinny jeans, band T-shirts, and hoodies. 

The story?

Ash Jones Clarke is 16, and soon after coming out to his parents as transgender, his life gets turned upside down. After those close to him die, he temporarily moves in with Team Free Will 2.0. until they can get some answers. Quickly, Ash finds himself getting accustomed to their way of life and falling into a routine. Will he finally be able to escape his mental illnesses and live his own life with the help of his newfound family? Or will he fall deeper into his depression than ever before, deeper than even the Winchesters and powerful cosmic beings can pull him out? It all comes down to him, and his decisions. 

You want romance? Right here. Fluff? You got it. Angst? Oh, hell yes. Proper mental illness execution (written by a mentally ill person)? You've come to the right place. Settle in, friends. The chapters are few and far between BUT are quite long. I really hope you enjoy reading this as much as I enjoyed writing it. 

Special shout out to Jazzy for helping me script out Ash, get ideas for the story, and always hyping me up ;)

If you have ANY questions about ANYTHING, please comment and I'll answer :) 

Please Vote and Comment to give me some motivation to keep writing, it really does help. Thank you SO MUCH for even considering reading this, I've been working hard :)

Text HOME to 741741 if you need anything, you're not alone. 

Always keep Fighting

I do not own "Supernatural' or any of it's characters or storyline. I created my own OC and storyline, but everything else belongs to it's rightful owners

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