Let's Go Live!

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Everyone is locked at home because of the virus that across the world, everything stopped working and the shopping centres closed and no one can go to the other country or the city, the schools locked too and the airports stopped their flights. All this to make sure that everyone is safe at home and taking it seriously until it become stable.

So the idols have no works to do except sitting at home waiting for the opportunity to get a work and leave home, it become so boring for them as they used to work day and night away from home, but now they are stuck at home with thier families.

It's a good thing thought, but still they miss each other, so they texted each other to go online and greet each other and see what they are doing, it's been almost three months they didn't see each other.

So yes, now eaveryone is taking their position in front of their computers and start opening the camera.


Daiki: OH My God I Will Cry!!!
He cover his mouth as he see all the members.

Chinen: Not Now Dai-Chan!!

Hikaru: I'm Already Crying~ *Sniff*
He sarch for the tissue and wipe his running nose.

Yuto fixing his hair: How is Everyon Doing? Any God News??

Ryosuke frowned: What The---!!!!Yutti What Is That On Your Face?!!!!
He shouted as he come closer to the camera.

Yuto panicked: What?? What is it??
He touches his face and everuone gasped.

Yuya scream: OMG Yuto!!!

Kei covered his mouth in shock: How Dare You Growing Your Moustache Like This?!!

Kota shake his head: I'm older than you but didn't do that.

Daiki in surprise: Wow~ Look So Manly~

Hikaru laughing: Hahahaha Stop it everyone, there is someone still in shock.

They look at Ryosuke who was still blinking his eyes close to the camera, Yuto get closer to the camera too.

Yuto: Yama-Chan~ You didn't like it?
He pouted but Ryosuke shake his head and fix himself as he sit back to the chair with a smile.

Ryosuke blushing: N-No! I didn't mean it, I was just....shocking, it looks good on you.

JUMP: Wooooooo~

Daiki: Yama-Chan is shy~

Kei with a smirk: I want to see his reaction in front of him~

Yuya: Kei, you can't see them at that time, they will disappear.

Ryosuke shout at them: STOP it Everyone!!

The members start laughing at him.

Chinen: By the way, there is someone still not online in the room.

They stayed silent for a while and gasped.

JUMP: Keito!!!!

Hikaru raised his hand: I will call him.
He take out his phone and call him, he waited for a minute before the line picked up.

Hikaru talking on the phone: Keito why are you not in?.....Eeh? We send a message an hour ago!....Oh yeah we forget, ok can't you enter at least for a while? We miss you....Ok we will wait.

Kota: What did he say??

Hikaru place his phone away: He will enter, wait for a while, we forgot the time gap, he is sleeping now and didn't notice the message.

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