Chapter 8

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Jack's pov:

"Mister Perevell, please present the case to the judges, only facts please". -sigh- here i go!

The entire room goes silence at hearing my name. Slowly i walk up to the front not needing a muggle mic or wand to make my voice louder as it's so quiet the clicking of my footsteps echoes through the room. I stand at the front or back depending how you look at it, behind a small high table where i put my files on.

"It has come to my attention that a certain trial in the department of minestry has been failed to be made reality." The room full of people gasp. Who could possibly do that?! Well clearly they did.

"An innocent man has been put in Azkaban for 12 years. And once he got out on his own he got abandonned behind a vail to starve further to death. The man was a beloved friend and still is a godfather. His godson was put in the muggle world under the care of an abusive Household even though he's a magical child." More gasps in horror. A magic child in the wizarding world is to be protected. No one would ever dare to hurt one. Except one wizard.

"The godson only got to know he's a wizard by his Hogward's letter five years ago. He's never seen his magical gardian who happened to be the nameholder of the secret keeper of his parents. That's right people. Hadrian Potter also known for short as Harry Potter up till this day never knew Albus Parcival Wolfram Bertus Brian Perkamentus Dumbledore is his magical guardian. Or should i say 'was'? Well he lost that right when he became emancipated with the magic tournament. Albus Dumbledore was the namekeeper of the secret keeper of Lilly and James Potter."

Dumbledore stands up. "My dear boy, I know you want to see the good in everyone including Sirius Black but he betrayed his best friends to the dark lord."

"I did not!" An angry yell echoes through the room, everyone looks at the dirty and barely recognizable Sirius Black who's been walked in with only cuffs on his hands as he's there on his own accords. "I'll even take a truth serum for it! Lilly and James changed the secret keeper at the last minute as it was too Obvious it would be me!"

Sirius gets put into a chair and gets the said potion in his mouth.

I sigh bored as Fudge starts to ask him the basic questions to see if the potion is working correctly. "Did you or did you not betray Lilly and James Potter on the tragic night?"

Everyone holds in their breaths leaning in waiting for the respond, Albus being held back by guards from leaving the room.

"I did not."

"Who was the secret keeper then?"

"Peter Pettigrew. He betrayed them, ran of with me on his tail, once we were in muggle town he started to frame me. He blew everything around us up and cut of his own finger before turning into his animagus form which is a rat."

Cries in horror now echo through the room. These pathetic people just put an innocent man in hell without him even deserving any of it. Letting two of the real criminals just wonder around freely. 

"That's not all!"

Fudge leans forwards. "What do you mean?"

"Dumbledore knew about this all! Because he's the one who killed Lilly and James out of hatred for creatures!"

Dumbledore is trying to desperately escape. "My dears you can't believe this man can you? His memory and all is messed up because of the dementors!"

"I've had a mental healer help me thank you very much. I'm sane." Sirius huffs doglike and pouts looking away like a child.

"Who is this mental healer you speak of? They must've tampered with your head my boy-"

My turn finally!!! "I did actually. Thank you for your trust." I can see in the corner of my eyes Fudge is catching on too, Albus is trying to talk his way out as Always.

"F-FAWKES!" He holds his hands up pathetically expecting his Phoenix to appear and save him.

"No one or nothing can enter or leave this room until this trial is over Dumbledore. We've put up the highest security for this case." I can only smirk hearing Malfoy say this. 

Fudge decides enough is enough even though this case was originally a one person trial. "Guards put him in the binding chair and give him the truth serum." A screaming and kicking Albus is strapped onto said chair. The only way this man looks humanly acceptable. Bound up and now only thrown into an endless well so he can fall to his doom forever.

"What's your full name?" Fudge is getting exited by the thrill of events.

"I don't-" he's trying to fight it but it isn't working. "-know. It's so long i forgot it." Albus growls as people laugh at this.

"Alright then what's your age?" Everyone leans in wanting to hear him say it.


"How are you still alive?"

"I've been killing people with a spell that only i can use and take their life span and make them mine." The entire room becomes a chaos. I can't blame them. They've send their children to a magical and unsafe school where a senile old man is the headmaster who happens to kill children under the Halloween moon for his own immortality.

"SILENCE!" O-oh. Fudge is getting angry. "Did you kill James and Lily?"

"I did. That shitty little boy of them has a enormous life span and so did they! But then in turn of events I saw he could bring me even more fame like i deserve!"

"Up to voting. We've heard enough. Who votes for Sirius Black to be set free?" All hands but two go up being from Dolores and Dumbledore. Thank God I took care of those red carrots they call the Weaslebees. They'll only be able to get out of the house by tomorrow as they're sleeping through today with some help of magic and me of cours.

"Who votes for Sirius Black to remain in Azkaban?" Only one hand goes up that belongs to a pink turtle, Albus still being chained down in his chair aswell as his arms.

Fudge slams his hammer. "Sirius Black your name is hereby cleared and you're a free man. As an appology we offer you money for all the damage that has been done to you in the past 15 years aswell as a house so you can start anew." 

Sirius jumps around happily as he's set free people smiling at him but they didn't forget the real threat. "All in favor of putting Albus too many names Dumbledore in Azkaban for lifelong?" All hands go up, one hand in particular basically jumping. The pink toad, clearly she hates him. "Well since that's everyone-" slams his little hammer "Albus Dumbledore you are hereby sentenced lifelong in Azkaban." 

The old maniac scream in furry as he's dragged away to hopefully never been seen again.

"Since Albus can't take care of his duties anymore i'll have to select another headmaster. Severus Snape. Your house is known not to get in any trouble. I'd like you to become headmaster, Minerva you can keep being deputy headmistress as I know your lions are troublesome. Now get out people and spread the news!"

Spread the news indeed. My little mate shall be pleased.

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