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Third Person POV, Year 1944, Midnight

A fisherman's boat was out in the Mediterranean, trying to catch fish with his crew, until a ginormous tail fin popped out of the water with a hook in it, making one of the fishermen run towards the captain's quarters.

(Fisherman 1): Sir, we have an unusually large fish out here!

(Captain): A large fish? Are you out of your bloody mind?!

The captain and the fisherman went back out on deck to see a twenty five meter long shark at the surface of the ocean, circling the small fisherman's boat as if it were hungry. the shark was about to leap out of the water, before a much larger creature came by and swallowed it whole. The creature raised out of the water, as the sea was over ten thousand feet deep, showing an eighty meter tall masculine kaiju showing large, gray, gojira-like jagged dorsal plates, as it unhinges and spits its lower jaw and roars at the group of humans.

(second one)

(Captain): Oh my... wh-what is that?!

The kaiju finishes its roar, as it growls before walking towards the Atlantic Ocean, before shooting off a red-colored breath attack into the sky, hitting a jet as it went by. The kaiju continued into the Atlantic Ocean, before diving into it.

Year 1999, Noon

Monarch has identified that there is a new Titan on the loose, but it is somehow able to sense their technology, as it always seemed to move to a completely different location each time they get close. They did find the epicenter of where it is circling, however. Somewhere around Gojira's area. Dr. Ishiro Serizawa, Dr. Ilene Chen, Dr. Vivienne Graham, and Dr. Rick Stanton boarded the Argo, hoping to figure out where the kaiju is.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 15, 2021 ⏰

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