Chapter 15

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He close his eyes and smirk.....

I was having a bad time breathing....
I'm not scared from any expressions from any member.......actually I'm a little nervous from suga's expressions

He scratch his head " Heh...." He walked to the door and open it...
and then turned to me smirking...
"......Heh...actully I knew that.." He smiled to me and left.....

I'm still shocked and angry in the same time because he knew and didn't tell me.." Oh..suga #-&*!_~▪¡¿*-:* " I said angrly

"What..Is there anything wrong?"
suga's head appeared from behind the door....

I jumped from my place...😳😨 "What.. nothing...what is wrong with me..?"😦😬 I said scratching the back of my head

"Heh...Ok" he smirked and left me embarrassed and angry and in the same time happy ....I..I don't know

Oh shit I have a lot of feelings inside me...

Seol hee pov.

I run to my room after suga came and try to hold myself 😭😭

I tried to treat my injure but my tears fall on it make me in so much pain...

"Ok will be ok you should only say ' NO ' ...." I said to myself....
I looked to the mirror, my eyes were so red from crying " I know it is so hard...and not easy at all...and my heart will break...and not mine only but also his heart will be broken to million pieces " I sniff and continue looking at myself in the mirror " He is an Idol and I'm only a girl who lives in Egypt..." now I feel my head will explode ...Ooh I have a headache
I took some aspirin and go to sleep


When I wake up I still have a headache..."Oh my god.." I hold my head with both of my arms I tried to get up from the bed but first I decide to tell Jimin that I love him too but we must separate.....only... yeah that's it

I think...

While I was thinking I heard the door knocking....

"Oh my god...I want to sleep the rest of my life " I didn't respond and ignore it
and put my pillow over my head and start to kick the air angrily

The door knocked again.."💢WHO" and threw my pillow towards the door angrily...

"Hey !! what is wrong with you " I heard from outside

I opened the door to face Tae
" Woowoow!?"

"What... did you see a ghost?" I said coldly



"No..nothing nothing at all except," He started to scrach the back of his head
"your face" he point to my face " and also your hair " he point to his hair

I go to see myself in the mirror

"OH MY GOD" I hold my face with both of my hand " It's not your day seol it's not " I talked to myself

Tae come in and grabbed my shoulders and turn me to face him
"Seol what is wrong with you??"
he asked worriedly "Nothing.." I said coldly"How nothing..look at your face
you are pale and your eyes....they are swollen and you have dark circles under them" I rolled my eyes "Ask your friend" I pushed his arms gently from my shoulders and go to take my pillow from the ground and back to my bed

"What?!🤨" He turned his face to me
"What??....did I say something wrong??" I lied on the bed giving him my back trying to sleep 😴😴

"Who!!.....Jimin??" He steped few steps towards me "Heh....yes" I didn't even look at him and closed my eyes

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