Chapter 25

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Before we start this chapter

Derek is going to be playing your exDont worry i FUCKING love himBut he's going to be your ex for this storyHe might be a future love interestBut not for this storyAnyway on to the story______________________________________

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Derek is going to be playing your ex
Dont worry i FUCKING love him
But he's going to be your ex for this story
He might be a future love interest
But not for this story
Anyway on to the story

(Still jaden's pov)
"Wait what was his name again?"
I asked as kio was driving to the mall
"Derek he's a total dick"
Kio said parking the car
"I know that name"
I said getting out the car and running in to the mall
"oMg i lOvE yOu"
I heard a fan say to the nessa there was a huge group of people of surrounding
But no site of y/n
Me and kio quickly ran to kenzie
"Where's y/n"
Kio asked kenzie trying to catch his breath
"She went to the bathroom 10 minutes ago"
She said a bit shocked that me and kio were here together
Me and kio pushed past everyone and went to the bathroom
We could hear someone yell
Kio looked at me with
"im about to kill someone"
Type of look
Thats when i knew that stupid dErRk guy was banging on the door
But by the time I realized that kio was already heading to Derek
Kio said pushing him to the ground
which made everyone look at us
"Aww kio is mad to bad"
Derek said laughing
"And you are?"
Derek said smirking
Before i could say anything
"Y/n boyfriend so you can back the fuck up"
Kio said already making a bigger scene
"Hahaha really?"
Then we heard a "bang" coming from the bathroom
(End of jaden's pov)

(Back to you)
I went to the bathroom and stated crying my eyes out
I was a mess
Then i heard a bang..


i knew exactly who it was


I was about to tell him to go away but then i heard someone
Who im pretty sure was kio
I was trying to Catch My Breath
But i couldn't
I was bacicly shaking from fear
Then i heard derek again
"Aww kio is mad to bad"
He said laughing

I just wanted to be in kio's or jaden's

Then i heard derek again
"And you are?"


"Y/n boyfriend so you can back the fuck off"
Kio said unsure if he should have said that
"Hahahaha really?"
Derek said

I was starting to feel
dizzy and i felt like i couldn't breathe
Then everything went back

I passed out
Athours note
Hey hoe's sooooo
I just want yall to know that im here for if you need anthing tell me anywaysss

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