Chaper 29

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Jaden grabbed my wrist and locked the door

Present time

He pinned me to the wall
"Jaden let m-"
Before i could finish
Jaden said something
"Do you really want to know whats wrong"
He whispered in my ear
I said a bit nervous
"I fell for you now your leaving me thats whats wrong princess"
You were shook you were about to say something untill jaden kissed you
"Im not letting you leave me that easily" he pulled away and whispered in my ear
"Jaden i-"
"Shhh just enjoy the moment" he said pushing you on the bed and taking off his shirt off

(Imma stop there things got to heated and my virgin eye's couldn't write anymore of that unholy type of shit but i got free holy water so you want some??)

After y'all were done
" they definitely heard us"
I giggled
"You moaning my name hell yeah"
Jaden said laughing
I stopped laughing and smacked jaden's arm
"Im sowwy"
He said in that cute little voice he always does when i get mad at him
Gosh he's hot
" you know I can't resist that voice come here"
I said pulling him in to a hug
We were like that for about 20 minutes

(Dont worry jaden put on sweats and you put on his shirt and some shorts)

"Can i ask you something"
Jaden asked in a soft voice
"Yeah whats up?"
I said
"What am i to you?"
He said nervously
"Someone i can trust"
Atleast what i think..
"What am i to you?"
I asked before he could say a thing
"My soon to be girlfriend, possibly my wife in the future"
When he said that i could feel myself getting red
I answered back
"Do you want to be my girlfriend"
"Hmmm i dont know hossler"
He gave me puppy eyes
Those big blue eyes i couldn't resist
I pulled him in a long passionate
Jaden smiled
And kissed you again

You pulled away
"We should go downstairs"
You said
He laughed
He said getting up before yall got downatairs
"We should tell them another time just not now"
He said looking in to my eyes
"Yes hossler"
You guys went downstairs

Athour's note
Hiiii hoe's im bored af but
Just know im here for you and yeahh

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