chapter one

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Hello friends! Welcome to the first chapter of this book! Now i will warn you... This book does have swearing, action, blood, and brutal things. This is the first warning. After this chapter i will probably not warn you again. Having that said... Enjoy the first chapter of Her Little Mafia Boy.


Diablo Lobo... Spanish for Devil Wolf... That's my street name or what yhe police call me. Why? Well... Let's just say being a Mafia Boss... Tends to have.... Names like that... "D-Diablo! Hey man! C-Come on! Let's talk okay?! Come on! I-I'll get you your money! Just let my family go!" The RAT began to cry. I giggle and slowly walked towards him. His eldest son struggling against my goons. "Leave him alone you brat!" He screamed. It just bounced off the empty walls of the empty warehouse. I looked at him and smiled. "Let him go..." I say. My goon nodded and let him go. The son glared at me just because he was taller. I smirked and turned towards him. "Hmmm... How about a deal?" I chirped. He tilted his head and looked at me with interest. "You try and hit me in the next say.... Ten seconds.... And I'll let you, your mother, and your father go! Simple!" I say smiling. He looked at me with dis belief then smirked. "Alright pipsqueak... Your on..." He said. "Well... Let's begin shall we?~" I say and smirked sadistically.

He cracked his knuckles and smirked back. "Let's get this over with.... FAG..." He said. Once that word left his lips... All of my goons and his father froze. Than he started running at me. "You just had to say it..." I mumbled. "One." Bang! As soon as I say one i Shoot him in the shoulder. He trips and grips his shoulder, screaming in pain. His mother gasped and cried. "My baby! Oh my god! My baby!" She cried.

His father quietly cried as he watches his son scream in pain. "You see i was gonna go easy on you! But you had to call me a fag. Im not even fucking gay!" I say and pace back and forth in front of him. "Two!" Bang! "Three!" Bang! "Four! Five! Six!" Bang! Bang! Bang! He screms in complete agony as i shoot his other shoulder and twice on each leg. "Eight! Nine!" Bang! Bang! Twice in the stomach... He stopped screaming and is now whimpering in pain... I pointed the gun straight at his head and sighed. His mother's eyes widen. "NOOOOOO!" She screamed and struggled against my goons grip. Same goes for his father. "DIABLO! PLEASE NO!! HE'S MY ONLY BOY!" He cried. I then looked at him. "Listen.... It's nothing personal..." I began to say. His eyes widen when he knew what was next. "It's just business..." I say then pull the trigger. After the bang there was a small pause, soon Followed by screaming and crying. I snap and my goons let them go. They scramble to their son's body and held him close. The father looked me into my eyes as he cried. "You were the one who knew the consequences... I told you what would happen if you betray me..." I said holding a stone face. He sniffled and nodded.

He took his wife's hand and looked at her. Already accepting his fate. She sobbed and pulled him close for a hug. I sigh as my goons looked at me. I nod and start walking away. "Oh and Rob?" I stop and say, my back still towards him. He looked at me, tears still streaming down my face. "Tell your kid.... Im sorry that this had to happen. I hope you all rest in peace..." I say looking back. He nods and smiles sadly. "Im sorry too Tye..." He said. My goons got their guns out and started firing. I turn and look away from the scene. The sound of the gunshots finally stopped. I sigh and tear up a little. My second in command, James, walked to me and patted my head. "Your father would be proud... Good job for not choking boss." He said then lead me away. I look back and see the family ontop of one another. And holding one another close. "Tell... Zander.... And Leon to dispose of the bodies..." I say and head towards the door. "Yes sir." He said then turned around.

I quickly walk out and immediately start having a small panic attack. "Dammit! Why does this happen every time?!" I say and punch the lamppost that was next to me. I wince in pain as my knuckles start bleeding. My ride pulls up and stops in front of me. Soon James meets me out and opens the door for me. I get in and puts my head in my hands. James sigh and gets in. "Listen... Tye... You gotta face the facts... This is your life now. Your father-" He was saying but i interrupted. "Yeah yeah... He would be proud.... But what about my mom? Huh? You're always talking about my dad but never my mom. What would she think? What would she even say to me if she saw that i killed an Innocent kid? I'm not even twenty and I've killed more people than my fucking dad!" I snap.

Her Little Mafia BoyOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora