chapter two

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Hello friends! This is chapter two! I hope you all enjoy it! I will try to post chapters in all my books I can! Thank you all for supporting my books it means so much to me. Also I would  like to apologize  for making you all wait. I haven't been  having good luck or mentally been okay. But thankfully I am doing so much better! Anyway I hope you all enjoy the chapter! I love you guys!


As the party went on everyone was having a great time. They drank, sang, ate, and danced. But just towards the end it was time to give a speech. Tomi and her husband took a seat as i walked to the podium. I looked at the crowd and smiled. "Friends... Family... I would love to thank you all for coming to my dear sister's wedding. This means the world to not only her.. but to me too. To see her so happy is better than any sunset... brighter than any star. As much as i do not wanna let her go... it's time for me to let my sister go.... if mom were here im sure she would say that you are breathtaking in your dress... I wish you years upon years of happiness. May he care for you and your future children with everything he's got." I said while holding my drink up. "Here's to the bride and groom... Tomi and Carson." I finished. I smiled brightly and tried my best to hold back tears. But Tomi on the other hand... she got up and rushed to me. She cried and hugged me close. It was such a shock that i dropped my glass. I quickly hugged her back and pet her head gently. "You live a happy safe life alright...? Try to live the best and most normal life you can... same with your kids and future grandchildren and their children." I spoke softly and began to cry myself. We stood there for a moment but soon pulled away.

I wiped her tears then mine and smiled. "You don't hesitate to let me know if you need something alright? I think it's about time you trust me and ask me for help." I said and smiled. Tomi smoled brightly and nodded. "Thanks little one..." she said softly and kissed my head. She then turned to walk away. "You're welcome sis..." i whispered softly. The party then continued for them but for me... i have work to do. I turned and whistles catching my crews attention.  Once majority of them heard and looked towards me i motioned to the house. Though today was her wedding doesn't mean that today is a relax day... I grabbed my coat and took one last good look at tomi before walking inside with my crew and potentially new member. Once we are inside and in my office the chief of police was waiting with some of my men.

I sigh as i run a hand through my hair and loosened my tie. "Dave. What do i owe the pleasure of seeing you here on such a beautiful and important day." I ask as i take a seat. Dave placed down a package and leaned back in the chair. I looked at it the nodded to it. James got closer and grabbed the package. He opened it and pours it on the table. Several stacks fell onto the table. I reach over and flipped through each stack and soon looked at him. "This is nearly fifty grand more than your normal payment. I can only assume you need me for something." I spoke while leaning back and gave a smile. Dave sighed and leaned forward. "The terf wars. Innocent people and families have been killed. Im not asking you to fix everything or pay for repairs but I can't afford to have more of my men killed or innocent people killed." He says cutting straight to the point. I sighed and looked at the money while bitting my nail.

I sigh as I looked at him. "Look. I will help. Only because you are a family friend. I am gonna do this my way." I say. James raised an eyebrow. "Sir if i may your-" James began. I slammed my hand down and glared his way. "MY FATHER IS FUCKING DEAD. HIS WAY CANNOT ALWAYS BE THE ONLY WAY. GET THAT THROUGH YOUR FUCKING SKULL JAMES!" I angrily said. James shut his mouth and sighed. He nodded and took a step back. I take a deep breath. "My father trusted me with this title. He wants me to run it the best i can. NOT replicate his decisions and mistakes." I say. I looked at Dave. "That terf issue will be under control soon." I tell him and looked at the time. I stand and reached over. "Oh... by the way congrats on the granddaughter. She's a real cutie." I say. He laughed and shook my hand.

"Shes so young yet she already is talking back." He said and stood. "I'll have an officer bring you the information tomorrow morning. Be easy on him. He's a rookie." He said as he grabbed his jacket and left. I roll my eyes and sigh. I look at James. "I know you were very loyal to my father but you need to accept that im not him. And i never will be. I'm not young... but I'm young enough to learn from my mistakes and do better. Now you can bring your sister in..." i say waving him off he nods and left the room for a moment. I sigh as i sipped my water and waited. I leaned back in my chair as James came back with his sister. I can't help but stare in awe. Her beauty will take my breath away each time i lay eyes on her. I shake my head and sighed.

I gave a smile and gestured to the chair on the otherside of my desk. "Take a seat. My name is Tye. Though im pretty sure you already know this. If you truly want to be welcomed into a life of danger, crime, and death... then you are in the right place. In order to determine how useful you are and how trustworthy you are you will be going through  a few tests and trials." I begin. I get up and walk over to the filing cabinet and pulled out a folder. "This is paperwork for you to fill out but just know you work for me. If something is being talked about in this room or in secret, it stays between us. If you in any shape, way, or form snitch or leak info you will be killed immediately. The same rule applies to everyone." I finished and gave a smile and placed a pen down for her to use.

"Now for your first test.... I wat you to tell me about yourself." I say and lean back into my chair, listening attentively. Her soft looking lips cracked a smile. "My name is Jessica.... but you can call me Jess, Boss." She said. Her voice was smoother and sweeter than honey... I gulped a bit and smiled. "Pleasure to meet you Jess... now tell me about yourself. " i smiled as i had a fewling she's possibly trustworthy.... maybe even the one....


Ahhhhh i hope this is good! I really am excited for this and other books. Oh! I also have an announcement! The strawberry milk book will be updated more too! But this time with things for littles, quotes, activities for cgs and their littles, more bedtime stories and so much more! I do hope you all enjoy it again! Also! A new book is in the making. If you all love and enjoy safe in her arms then you will definitely enjoy A Little In The Middle! Anyways i hope you al have a good day!
Remember to...
Fly high!

Little space out! <3

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 13, 2023 ⏰

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