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Steve surveyed the interior of the Quinjet. Silence hung over its four occupants like a heavy blanket. Each of them was feeling the weight of their failure, overshadowing the success of their initial mission. Sam sat in the pilot's seat, but with the aircraft on autopilot, his hands were free to tinker with Redwing. Natasha and Wanda sat near the back, the former comforting the latter with her presence. Tears slid down Wanda's face, and the look in her eyes was just... empty.

Steve sighed and sat down, resting his face in his hands. He closed his eyes but opened them again as he remembered the look in Rumlow's eyes just before he detonated the vest destined to take his and Steve's lives. If Wanda hadn't intervened... Steve shook his head, trying to clear the unpleasant thought.

Sam broke the long, heavy silence. "We're here." He took control of the jet and brought it down for a landing at the Avengers compound. Natasha led Wanda out and into the building with an arm around her shoulders. Steve and Sam exchanged a silent look before parting ways, Sam to his room and Steve to check on their new friend.

The infirmary lights were off and the door was open when Steve got there. He poked his head in and flipped on the lights. No one was there. He made his way to his room, where he found a note taped to the door. It read, She came out of the coma soon after you left then just disappeared. -Helen. Steve laid the note on his desk as he sat down. He read it over again then turned to his computer. As he pulled up a news site to see coverage of their most recent mission, he muttered to himself, "She'll be back."

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Tala had never liked watching the news, but now she couldn't take her eyes off it. Things were heating up among the Avengers, and she feared something bad was about to happen. Something that could have dire consequences for the group sworn to protect the earth. This latest report only seemed to confirm that suspicion.

"The hunt continues for the mercenary known as the Winter Soldier," the news anchor was saying, "believed to be responsible for the attack in Vienna. The site of the attack is still being investigated by numerous nations' top analysts, searching for evidence linking the Winter Soldier to the crime and the subsequent deaths, including Wakanda's King T'Chaka. Stay with us as we receive ongoing updates into this report."

Tala zoned out as the news moved on to other topics. She glanced around the coffeeshop every few minutes, searching for hostile faces. She had temporarily traded her black-and-blue leather uniform for a more casual outfit, something that allowed her to fit in among the crowds. Having worn her specialized clothing for so long, the jeans, T-shirt, and duster combination felt foreign yet wonderfully refreshing. She took the baseball cap off just long enough to run her hand through her hair. She still was getting used to its new length, having cut several inches off soon after leaving the compound. While still long, it wasn't what she was accustomed to.

Tala glanced around the shop again and noticed that one patron was watching her, and clearly not caring that they weren't being discreet. Tala quickly looked away and forced herself to focus on anything but the person in the corner for the next few minutes. When she finally looked back, the person was still staring at her but had a phone to their ear. With the sun glaring through the window behind them, she couldn't see their face, but something told her they weren't friendly. She quickly stood, tossed some cash on the counter to pay for her drink, and left.

After briskly walking several blocks, Tala turned around and studied the people walking toward her. None of them seemed intent on seeking her out, so she allowed herself to relax slightly. Even so, she didn't let her guard down until she was back in her hideout. She thought about contacting Steve, but based on the news, he had his own problems to deal with. Something was most definitely up, and she did not want to get drawn into it.

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