SA.VA.GE fusions 2

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Midori: what's wrong with her? She's been all red since she got back...

Gen: red? *Look at Kylee*

Midori: i wonder if she just got tired...but somehow i feel scared to ask...

Kylee: (mumbling angrily)

Gen: hahaha, we better don't disturb her

Midori: .......

Gen: hey, what's wrong?

Midori: oh, I've been thinking...enemy is getting stronger and stronger...i wonder if we can defeat all those strong enemies...

Gen: well...we also getting stronger right? No need to worry too much

Midori: right...but being cautious never hurts isn't it?
Rymin got hurt badly last time...

Gen: i think we need to help Rymin get stronger...

Midori: yes,but how...

Gen: if only we have more essence for him...

Midori: that's it! Kylee,can i have your light crystal essence for a while?

Kylee hand over the essence while still mumbling

Midori: My machine can only copy one crystal essence this time...

Gen: at least we can still help him...


11 PM,Gyrion's lab

Gyrion: where's my bugroth, Mizoul?

Mizoul: ........

Gyrion: bugs powers aren't seems like i should let Otrova handle my pets instead...

Mizoul: .......actually...

Gyrion: enough of your excuses,failure is still a failure *turns around and started walking away*

Mizoul: I met Raiden

Gyrion: *turns back with shocked face* what?!

Mizoul tells everything to gyrion

Gyrion: So he landed here on earth...but why he sided with the earthlings?

Mizoul: he says that if he undo the merge...both of them will die...

Gyrion: but since he's been fighting to get this far...their merging kinda interesting...

Mizoul: what should we do now?

Gyrion: I'm gonna do research about it...meanwhile, I'll create my second super beast...and Otrova will use it to attack them

Ortova: (why me...)

Gyrion: coz you're more reliable than Mizoul

Otrova: (he can read my mind?!)

Gyrion: yes,now get prepared! Our second weapon should be ready in a few earth hours...

Otrova: *sigh* okay....


11 PM,Min's home

Breaking news

Reporter: A giant bug monster have appeared yesterday's night and have fought with two mysterious superhero.the identity of those superheroes is still unknown.
This following video is taken by the CCTV camera,and the fight between them have been recorded.

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