Angelments 2

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Four months had passed by since my big brother, Ammon and I defeated the false angels. It seems all was right in the world. However I was completely wrong. When I entered the kitchen, his face was paler than usual. "Sighs." he lets out. "What's wrong big bro?" "It's nothing." "Tell me please," "I'm just a little homesick." "You miss your village that much, huh?" "Well it does have many good places to go and see." "Then let's ask Master Shard how we can get there." Laughter came out of him when I said sensei's name. "Haven't you noticed his name kinda sounds like fart?" "You really shouldn't be disrespecting your elders." said a voice behind Ammon. He knew he was in big trouble now. "Please master, we just want help to find my brother's place." "Since you're too kind Daito, I will but you two will wash the dishes." We both were sighing as we washed them but then had fun finishing them. "Master how can we get to my homeplace?" "There is someone that might help if you can find him." "Okay thanks wish us luck." We went around asking people trying to find this mysterious person. A merchant says that he knows how we can get to Ammon's village. "Where do we need to go?" "I'll only tell for a price." "What do you want for payment?" "No cash, I just need you two to find some items for me." He gave us a list so we can cross out the items as we go. First were herbs in the garden without destroying the flowers. Next are spices with a ginger taste to them. Third was turkey skins out in the wild. Finally we bought a cranberry sauce out of our currency. "Here they are, so will you tell us?" "Yes a deal is a deal." He gave Ammon a map for us to use to find an airplane to take us to bro's place. "Do we go through the river or the split roads?" "Split roads to get to the hills faster." Walking on them was not easy due to them being old. Over the hills we saw something big near a distance. An airplane. We head inside in sheer awe of the inside of the plane. As we took our seats, everyone was quiet listening to plane procedures. It took off like a rollercoaster making it a bumpy ride. The lovely stewardess offered us if we wanted any snacks or refreshments. "I'll take cranberry juice and a bag of peanuts. "And I'll just take a lime soda and the granola bar." "Why lime soda and not regular soda?" "I get heartburn if I drink it." After we talked for a while, I went to sleep. In the dream, I was in a mall sitting somewhere talking to different people. While walking in the mall, a random voice comes out of nowhere from above. FREE ICECREAM! Everyone was running like savages looking for where the ice cream could be. I was moving like a ninja hopping all over the place and found where the ice cream was first. "The plane is being hijacked!" a passenger screamed. It woke me up from my slumber. Everyone was panicking as the plane was going down. We were told to calm down and listen to instructions. They gave us parachutes forcing us to jump or we will die. We had no choice but to jump off the plane. As we were falling, we screamed like a bunch of little girls. Luck was kind to us that we landed safely to the ground. Rocky hills spread all around the surface. There was the aquamarine colored and slightly salty ocean. A tan color was the sand. Clouds pass above the palm trees full with bamboo, mango, and coconut. Elementa was the name of the island. "I can't believe we survived that!" "You were crying like a little girl." "Don't be silly, let's just see where we are." "This island looks so bright and colorful." As we walked around Elementa, there were some strange animals swimming. I have never seen pigs in the water before. Makes me wonder if there were more. "What is that pink thing, Ammon?" "Have you seriously never heard about a Flamingo?" he says while facepalming. We discovered that the island was divided into four sections based on elements. Vines blocked our path as we slashed through with our swords. There was a canopy in the trees so we had to climb them. At the top, we saw snow far away. Wearing winter gear would either be stylish or uncomfortable. It was nice walking through the cold admiring the scenery. Sweat came out of us when we got to the heated area. "This is worse than the time we were traveling through Empy." "Don't remind me." At the far end, there lay a volcano. It looks like it hasn't erupted in years. As we approached it, we heard a boom sound. Lava came flowing down forcing us to run. "Let's get out of here." "I don't want to die." We ran back to see if there was a way to escape the island. One bad move and we would be toast. When it seemed like there was no way out, someone told us to get on a helicopter. Horror was seen through our eyes as we saw the island burn down. During the ride, we didn't speak one word until we arrived on land. Boom goes the fireworks in Yokote. People are wearing Yukata enjoying the festival. Games that ranged from target shooting to goldfish scooping. There were also many food stands to visit and check out. Grilled octopus balls, shaved ice, funnel cakes, and buckwheat noodles with some miso soup are classic food to savor. We sat down on a bench chowing down on so much food. "Little bro, I dare you to eat three frog legs." "Sounds gross but fine I'll do it." I ate all three of them preparing for the worst but to my surprise, it didn't taste bad. "Tastes like chicken." "Told you so." On the bumper carts, we went all out on each other. After getting dizzy, I went inside the house of mirrors. Somehow I was able to find the exit in about 10 minutes. The last thing we did was the tall side. We climb up separate stairs to the top. We raced to the bottom hopping on our rags having a blast. As the festival was wrapping up, we went out of the boundaries and saw a city far away. This was the place we had been searching for days. Nightstorm. It had brown and slate city buildings. Never stops raining. A haunted house was nearby that shined orange and yellow. The people were actually nice which shocked me because I thought city people were jerks. Ammon showed me where his old home used to be. "There is a college campus where they sell cookies and gyros." "What is your favorite cookie?" "The best are white macadamia nut or snickerdoodle." "Mine is the classic chocolate chip." We walked around Nightstorm checking out the sites. "I got an idea." "What?" "Let's enter the haunted house." "Uh no thanks." "Don't be such a downer Daito." "Okay." "Then hurry up." We went inside even though I didn't want to. All the furniture was covered in plastic and there were cracks in the walls. Climbing the stairs looking around at paintings getting a bad feeling. An elevator was at the end of the hallway. I pressed the button to take us to the basement. Suddenly the lights went out, the elevator had stopped. "Ammon are you alright?" "I'm fine Daito." "Let me use my night vision." "Night vision?!" Light starts to come out of my eyes to check on Ammon. "How did you do that?" "By focusing my energy into them but I can't use it for too long or my eyes will hurt."  "I hate being stuck in here, I'm catastrophic." "This is like my dream where I was stuck in an elevator but there was a salon in it with sinks and chairs." "If that was true then I could get my hair done." Why are you so obsessed about your hair?" He shrugs off the question acting cool as usual. After one day, the lights came back on and the elevator moved again. We stepped out just for us to find out we were in a library. I was overwhelmed with how many books were on the shelves. My hand was skimming through them hoping to find the right book. A medium red book got my attention. It was called the Bible. "Check this out brother." "What is it?" Each of the 66 books from Genesis to Revelation interest us. "What is your personal favorite book Ammon?" "Let's say it at the exact same time." "Okay, 1...2...3," "REVELATION!" I couldn't believe we both picked the last book. It had a lot of dark and elegant imagery described for all 22 chapters. "Time for us to leave this spooky place." "Yeah since we finished reading." As we left through the back door, a single boo made us run to the woods. Yellowleaf Woods was a beauty of sunshine. It makes all worries leave the feeble mind. The trees were of golden leafs and midnight blue bark. "What is that on your shoulder Daito?" "What where?" A grasshopper took a ride on me and I didn't notice. It was both cute and hilarious to us. I found two sticks so we could get some training. "This isn't just for sport or self-defense." "It's also competition." We went at it all day until the sun came down. Stars in the sky lighten the night. The moon was red for some weird reason. "Wait, that's a blood moon." "What's a blood moon?" "It's when animals start to turn evil and deadly." "Then we got to hide before they see us." We hid behind some bushes and tried to stay quiet. As we stepped quickly to get somewhere safe, I accidentally stepped on a twig. "You idiot I think they heard us. Run!" "Oops." They chased us through the leafs and back into a dead end. It would have been the death of us if it hadn't been for some stranger calming the animals. "I warn you, leave Yellowleaf Woods, your kind isn't welcome here." she told us as she left. However we were both sleepy and slept under a tree until morning. I was having a dream again and this time I was in a tree that was filled with stores, a library, and a field like a forest school. The store I remember the most was like this kind of fishing/hiking store. I saw a lot of fishing poles and green camouflage gear. I was looking at the library at some unique books and while looking around, I discovered a secret passage that no one knew about.
It led me to a bunch of caverns where it was quiet and damp. "Hey Daito wake up!" "Is it morning already." "Yeah now let's get out of this forest." "Good idea." As we tried to leave the woods, we came across this cabin in the middle of some trees. A wild yet strong-willed girl was at the entrance of the cabin. She had long black hair, dark brown eyes, and peach skin. She also had goggles on her head and a cannon. "So you two are still here after I warned you?" "How can we leave when we don't know where to go?" "It doesn't matter, what does is that you need to leave." "Wait we haven't done anything to the animals or trees." "Oh really, then I'll test you both. If you pass then you are allowed in these woods whenever you want but if you fail then you must leave and will never be allowed to return." "Alright then we accept your challenge." She gave us three tests: Clean all the garbage, water all the plants, and take care of the animals. It wasn't easy to do the first two since the area wasn't even and more compacted but we pulled through and went to check on the animals. While we were playing with them, smoke was coming from the trees. Suddenly the forest was on fire and we rushed back to the cabin. The girl was panicking that she spread out butterfly looking wings trying to heal the trees and plants. We were surprised to see another angel just like us. As we helped her to save the forest, someone appeared coming from the fire. He had maroon hair in a Brazilian cut, yellow eyes, a scar on his right eye, an earring on his right ear, was short, and a muscular build. His clothing consisted of no shirt, a cross necklace, a cross tattoo on his right arm, shorts with a cloud design, and pointy shoes. "Did you burn up this forest?" "Yes so what? This place deserves to be burnt down." "You are a monster." She tried to attack but was taken down by him. After that he left Yellowleaf Woods and the fire died down leaving a lot of damage. "What are you two going to do now?" "Find that jerk and put out his fire." "Wait, let me join you both." "Why?" "I want to make that guy pay for what he has done to the forest." "Fair enough, let's head out." "Btw my name is Alissa Tracker." "I'm Daito Roderi and this is my big brother Ammon Amari." After properly getting introduced to one another, we left the forest and went out to find that dangerous guy. We got lost in a cyberpunk city called Skyhai city. One side was bright with white, green, and blue neon lights. For any visitor it was so eye catching. However, the other side will scare anyone until they lose all hope. Neons lights of red, pink, and black. "Okay everyone stay close to each other and don't go off on your own." However Alissa started to climb up a steel pole. "Get down from there Alissa before you fall." "No, I am trying to get a better view of everything." "Can you see anything that looks strange?" "Not much, just a lot of people walking in the City Square." "Guess we will have to keep looking." We were walking around the city being immersed in all the bright buildings and places. "Hey guys let's go to the top floor of the building." "Uh, no thanks bro." "You ain't scared aren't you Daito?" "No I just don't like heights, they make me dizzy and I might fall off." "You're an angel for crying out so come on." With hesitation, I unfortunately said yes and we went up to the top floor. I was trying not to look down while sweat was coming from my forehead and shivers through my body. We sat down and looked at the view of the entire city which was breathtaking and just a pleasure to watch. "This is actually nice, what was I so worried about?" "See it wasn't that bad, scaredy bird!"
Nicole was silent as she was meditating letting her wild thoughts come though. Suddenly she snapped out of it and said to follow her. We got down the building and raced to the dark side of Skyhai. A man was being cornered in an alleyway by someone that had a sharp chin and rigged pointy ears. "Please don't hurt me!" "Shut up and give me the money you won!" He was about to punch him when I grabbed his fist from behind. "Stop it right now." Then I punched him in his sides. "Why you little brat, I'm going to tear you apart!" He was so furious that he charged at us ready to kill. Ammon slashed him with his sword which gave Nikole a chance to get on top of him to knock him down. When he woke up, we forced him to talk. "Tell us do you know about someone who has maroon hair, pointy ears, looks tough, and apparently uses fire?" "Argh okay I'll tell you, his name is Timothy Mendez. We come from the same village..... a village named BurnFlame. He hates a lot of people due to the fact that when he was little, everyone was scared to be near him due to his appearance saying he looked like a monster. From that day when he couldn't play soccer, he attacked all of them and began to go on a rampage." "What type of people are you?" "We are a race called Dynarians." "So this Timothy might be there, where is BurnFlame?" "It's 80 miles away from Skyhai City, so you would have to take a bus to get there." We let the man go so that he ran off scared. After the man we saved thanked us, we made our way to the bus that would take us to BurnFlame. After hours of travel, we finally arrived at our destination. BurnFlame was the last village and also Timothy's home. It was about to get very hot so we brought water and kept a cool head. The buildings had different hues of red, light orange, and yellow. Clothes were hung on top of old ropes and bikes laid on the ground. Dark brown and cream trees nearby that seem full of life despite the excessive heat. We were searching for Timothy but we couldn't find him. "Where is he?" "I have no idea where the small fry could be." "Not even my wild instants can locate him." The night made us so tired that we decided to rest. I was in a car looking at places until arriving at a hotel where I had a mission. Someone had keys that I had to take from because the person was a bad guy to bust him. I went up to the top floor where police finally caught him on the first floor. My mission was a success that I earned a good long sleep. The sound of birds woke the three of us to snap me back to reality. "I love the singing of birds in the morning, don't you two agree?" questioned Nikole. "They are cool!" said Ammon. "One of my favorite animals." I responded. We continued our search and noticed that some of the poor kids were scared of us since we were strangers. I told them that we just came to look for Timothy and if he did them harm in the past that we would stop him. They said that he was in the jungle area punching trees. Rushing to the jungle area, there he was just as the kids told us. "What, how did you three find me?" "Timothy, give up now or fight us!" "Don't mess with me butt brains." He had his fists on fire ready to punch us. I tried to dodge but ended up getting hit. Ammon and him were going at each other like two beasts. When I got rid of the fire, I told Nikole to try to put out Timothy. She used her wild instincts to find water while I helped Ammon. We grabbed his fists to try and crush them but the fire was burning them so we couldn't take it. Nikole was able to return with water and threw it at Timothy. "Ah now I'm all wet, I'm so angry!" He starts to spread wings and charges at her. "What, he's an angel too?" she said as she took a hit. Something happened to me that I had four wings instead of two and Ammon had cooler wings than before. We both use our new forms to attack Timothy. "No this is not happening." He fell down from our attacks and was finally beaten. After that we rested so we could go back to our homes. "Hold on nerds, I have something to say." "What do you want now?" "I want to join you idiots." he murmured. After talking to the other two, we reluctantly decided to let him come with us if he promised not to cause more harm. "Just so we are clear, we are not friends but rivals. "That sounds fine with me." So we left BurnFlame with a new companion ready to go home.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 10, 2020 ⏰

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