Chapter 1

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"Are you ready to order, sir?" a short man said, pulling a notepad out of an apron wrapped around his waist. He had his lengthy, brown hair pulled back in a bun.

"Yes, hm," an old man said, pushing his glasses up onto the bridge of his nose, "I would like The Full Brunch, but no bacon or tomatoes. I would also like orange juice. No ice! And... a slice of the Spanish Quiche."

"Would you like potatoes or ham with that?" the younger man said. The man tilted his head and looked at the waiter.

"Did I say anything about wanting potatoes or ham, boy?" the man said sternly. The waiter nodded and smiled slightly.

"No potatoes or ham," the waiter said with a quick flick of his wrist over the pad as he scratched off the sides.

"Let me grab your menu for you, sir. Your meal should be out in about ten-fifteen minutes!" the waiter smiled as he reached to grab the menu. The older man looked at some pins that were on the waiter's shirt and smiled. A pan flag, and an "Oh Dear, I'm Queer" pin.

"I stand with you, son," the man said and patted the waiter's arm, "but could you do me a favor and add waffles onto that order? My husband will be here soon."

The waiter beamed and nodded with a large smile.

"Orion! Order number eight! Table number three!" Mackenzie, the cook, called. Orion made his way to the back and handed the paper to Mackenzie. Mackenzie smirked and looked at Orion with a raised eyebrow. 

"How's your search for a boyfriend?" Mackenzie cooed and punched his arm playfully. She was short but still taller than Orion by a couple of inches. Mackenzie was 5'4 while Orion was 5'2. 

"No, I haven't started," Orion cringed, rubbing his shoulder. Mackenzie covered her mouth dramatically as Orion started grabbing the plates and balancing them on his forearms. 

"Do you need help." It was more of a statement than a question. 

"Not really, but uh... thanks," he mumbled as he backed out of the kitchen, kicking the door open with his foot.  He walked to table three which has a whole family. 

"Thank you for being patient," Orion said with a smile as he slid the plates off onto the table. He heard the tinkling bells, announcing a customer walked into the cafe.

"Welcome to Cafe Boy! Someone will be with you in just a..." Orion trailed off as he saw the man that walked through the door.

He was hot.

Taylor, the other waitress, smirked and walked over, taking the plates from him.

"I will take over, why don't you go help that really fine man," Taylor said as she bumped her hip against him with a wink. Orion swallowed heavily and wiped his hands on his apron. 

The man was wearing a dress shirt, the sleeves rolled up, and slacks. Round glasses sat upon his nose. The only thing that was odd about his appearance was his hair. It was had the bi flag colors swirling about it. SCORE! His hair was delicately swept to one side, and shaved under. 

"Hello, how may I help you," Orion said shakily. The man looked up with an extremely annoyed look face. FRACK! Orion instinctively squeaked and forced himself not to hide. Only now did Orion realize that this man was tall. At least a head taller than Orion.

Abort Mission! Abort Mi- Shut up brain!

The man quirked an eyebrow and his lips parted in what looked like a disgusted look. 

"Sorry, did I do anything to upset you," Orion squeaked and started fumbling with his hands. The man looked confused and then with a look of realization, he brought his hand to his forehead and rolled his eyes.

"Sorry, I look like that all the time," the man sighed, his face not changing. His eyes trailed over Orion's figure and landed on his pins. His lips twitched and he brought his eyes to Orion's.

"I'm queer, too," the man chirped. Orion smiled and tried to fist bump the air without being seen, but ended up punching the counter with a crack. He bit his lip and grabbed his hand with pain.

"Table for one?" Orion groaned out, sounding like he swallowed chalk. The man held up one finger, indicating that it was a table for one.

"May I have a name," Orion hissed, shaking his hand and grabbing a pen.

"August White."

Hey guys! Thanks for reading the first chapter of Won't You Come Out! Sorry, it's so short!

- Love Atlas

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