Chapter 4

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"Yeah what am I to you?" August said with a flirtatious smirk. Orion shifted his feet and became very interested in a cut that was on his finger. He could feel heat crawling up his neck and onto his face.

"Um... my friend?" Orion said, but it was really a question that was testing the waters. Aiden scoffed and Sonya slapped the counter as she smirked. 

"Doesn't look like he's just your friend," Sonya says, propping her chin upon her hand. Orion started mumbling incoherent things. Orion felt his pocket vibrate and sighed with relief. He pulled his phone out.

"No User ID?" Orion mumbled to himself. He brought the phone to his ear and cleared his throat. Orion glanced at August and saw that he had an annoyed scowl on his face. Orion instantly felt bad.

"Um. Hello?" Orion said after a few moments of silence. Another moment passed and she heard a voice that was breaking up.

"Hello?" the voice said, and it sounded strangely familiar. 

"Who is this?" Orion said nervously and he saw August lean forward to try and hear.

"Uh, this is Ray. Is this Orion? I swear if this is another wrong number I'm going to scream," Ray said through the line.

'another wrong number? What the frack?'

"Oh! Uh hey, Ray! Yeah, no this is Orion!" he said enthusiastically.  He heard a sigh of relief from the other line and he held back a chuckle of amusement.

"I know we just met, but I was wondering if you wanted to hang out today, mate?" Ray said in their thick Australian accent. August obviously hears this and bit his lip in slight annoyance.

"Um sorry, I'm getting a tattoo done with someone right now. But you can come and watch if you want?" Orion sad hoping Ray could hear his hopefulness through the line.

"Ah. Sorry, mate. I didn't mean now. Jason is getting another tattoo right now. Which place are you at?" Ray asked with mild curiosity.

"Um.. we are at the Tattoo Parlor," Orion said holding the phone between his shoulder and ear so he can show Sonya and Aiden a printout of the tattoo he wanted. Orion had decided to get a tattoo in a place he had never done. His hip. 

(Yeet skeet this is the otter tattoo if you wanted to know :)

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(Yeet skeet this is the otter tattoo if you wanted to know :)

"Oh! No way! Jason and I are pulling up right now! Jason wanted to get his tattoo completed," Ray explained with excitement. Orion cringed and signed a tablet.

"Great... see you in a minute," Orion said through gritted teeth and hung up. August looked at him with a raised eyebrow and Orion shrugged.

"What is wrong?" August said with a narrowing of his eyes. Orion sighed and shrugged.

"I don't like Ray's boyfriend. He's ...aggressive," he cringed, chewing on his lip. August's eyes narrowed and Aiden cracked her neck comically and Sonya pulled a tattoo gun from under the counter and glared at the door. The door opened revealing Ray with his headphones on and Jason glaring at his phone. Jason growled at the phone, his blue eyes narrowing and turned it off. Instead of using his pockets like a normal person, he lifted his shirt and shoved it into his waistband. He looked up and glared at Orion, his eyes narrowing and he brought a hand up to ruffle his black hair. Some of it fell over his forehead and eyes, making him look even scarier than he already is. Sonya tossed down the tattoo gun and facepalmed.

"Jason? Really? Jason is a teddy bear," Sonya said with a sigh. Aiden smiled and did a weird whoop-howling thing and Jason smiled a sliver. She skipped over and they did an even weirder handshake that made Jason look like he was twerking. Ray scratched the back of their neck and had an exasperated look on their face. He looked over and smiled at Orion. 

Yeet! Yeehaw! Friggin-frack! WhY? FrAcKiN mCkRaCkIn BeAuTiFuL!

Orion started glitching and shoved his hands in his pocket. He was pretty sure this is what some called gay panic. 

"Tattoo? August and hamster! Frack! Otter?" Orion squeaked saying random words. Orion heard a soft growl and before he could turn around, August wrapped his arms around him and glared at Ray. He felt something wet slide across the side of his neck and Ray almost started laughing. 

"Did you just... lick me?" Orion said with a shiver. He felt August smile against his neck and when he whispered into Orion's ear, it made Orion feel like jelly.

"Maybe. What are you going to do about it?" August whispered, his voice husky and his breath tickling Orion's ear. Orion glanced at Ray self consciously and saw that he was watching them with a slightly raised eyebrow. Orion felt August's hands travel lower down his stomach. 


Orion danced away wrapping his arm around Aiden and started dragging her to the inking room. August stares at Orion's retreating figure with confusion in his eyes.

"What did I do?" he said, his hands hanging in the air. Ray patted his shoulder and passed him a note. August took it from them and his eyes went wide when he read it. August grinned like a maniac and grabbed a pen off the counter, scribbling something down onto the note, before passing it back to Ray. Jason snatched the note from August, a crap-eating glare on his face. Ray tries to reach for it but Jason easily holds it above him. August and Jason have a silent standoff before Ray rolls their sleeves up and Jason leaps away like he's stepping on hot coal.

"Stop being babies," Ray says with a growl, a terrifying aura leaking from them. Ray holds the note up, somehow snatching it from Jason. Jason growls and starts to protest, but Ray looks at him and he instantly shuts up.

"I am poly, I can date, see, and do what I want, Jason," they growl and strut towards the inking room. Jason huffs and goes back to glaring at August. He does the same except he smirks instead.

"YEET!" can be heard from the inking room and a wave of awkward chuckles goes through the room.

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