It's real, but don't lose hope.

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Hey, there, everybody. I'm not exactly sure what it is I'm typing, but I pray that the Holy Spirit will lead and guide me to mention the right things for the edification of the people.
To say the least, this is relevant to the covid-19 and to racism. These two things have been spiraling out of control, but we still keep our faith on our good Lord.

Looking at the way things have turned out to be and how much death there is in the world, I'm sure we've all understood that we're not necessarily fighting a physical battle, but we're actually fighting something spiritual. Let's take this to the bottom, okay? So that we're all on the same page.

When we look at the world, nature and all things natural, human beings even, I'm certain all  can agree that everything that is created must have come out from a supernatural force. Everything that is natural, comes from something that is supernatural, that being The Almighty, God. God created the universe and everything in it. And he who planted the eye and ears, he can definitely see and hear. And we are confident that he hears his children. We have been crying and praying not knowing what is happening, yet still keeping faith that our God is more alive everyday. And this too shall pass. Even the Bible agrees that heaven and earth shall pass, but his word will still remain (Mathew 24:35). And if there's paradise, the kingdom of God, where there will not be any pain and death etc, then that proves that covid-19 is not the end. So, my point is that we should keep faith in the blood of Jesus. That's the only thing that can keep us safe. There's no way something natural can just come and take away millions of precious lives without being pushed by something we cannot see. 

There's so much that is being said. So many people have said things like the fact that it is God that's striking the earth. And others are saying that it's the devil's work, all using the name of God. And we wonder, how can two things that come out of the mouth of God, contradict each other? God is not a man to lie (Hebrews 6:18). But regardless of what anyone says, the truth is that the just shall live by faith. I love to read psalms 91 because it is super relevant to the faith that we're supposed to have. When it's says that no plague shall strike your tent. No evil allowed to befall you. Gen thousand shall... more accurately, at 7 it says, A thousand may fall at your side, ten thousand at your right hand, but it will not come near you.
And at 9 it says, Because you have made the Lord your dwelling place—the Most High, who is my refuge— no evil shall be allowed to befall you, no plague come near your tent.

And that's really all that we need. We need God's word. And the Bible says that in the beginning was the word, and the word was with God. And the word was God ( John 1:1). We need the blood of Jesus. Long ago the blood of animals was needed (Exodus 12:12-13). But now we have the blood of Jesus that was not shed in vain. And God will deliver us from this, just don't let your faith fail you. That's worst thing you can do to yourself. 2 Chronicles 7:14 says, "if my people who are called by my name humble themselves, and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven and will forgive their sin and heal their land."

In regards to racism, and Mr Floyds case, I truly am sorry. To so many people he was looked at as a hero. He was a father, a son and so much moremommy deepest condolences.

The truth is that everybody dies after their purpose is complete. He didn't know that the next nine minutes of his life would have gone by like that. Nor did that cop.

Let's get one thing clear, I'm not racist, I've ever been, nor do I support it. I actually... when I saw how many people went out there protesting I realized a lot. It's a good deed to go out and fight for others. That's what we're meant to do, to lay our lives for others. And if we look at coved-19 with physical eyes then many have put their lives in danger by going out of their homes to protest and fight for justice. But I want to bring this whole scenario to a different table. For us to look at it at different angles, okay? And you are free to disagree. For instance, it was necessary that the son of man was to suffer many things. And some of those things were unlocked by the person that betrayed him. And through his death we have so much to live for. We have obtained the salvation that we lost. But the Bible said, woe to the one by whom he is betrayed (Mathew 26:24) while he would be betrayed. But someone had to it.

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